Thursday, September 5, 2013

Well, well, well,,,

It appears that my public doesn't like me when I'm nice...So I'll revert back to nasty "Ms Piggy"...I DO NOT ENDORSE POLITICIANS OR A CERTAIN INSURANCE COMPANY, THERE'S ONLY BEEN ONE, AND I BELIEVE AS I HAD STATED, THAT ALL MY EX EMPLOYERS WHO I WORKED ON COMMISSION ONLY ARE GUILTY OF SLAVE LABOR FOR FREE THINKERS, INDEPENDENT THINKERS, SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS, ETC... WHEN I WAS AT MERIT, I QUOTED A ROSE IS A ROSE IS A ROSE, TO SHOW YOU HOW BRAIN DEAD THE GUYS WERE, SINCE I WAS THE ONLY FEMALE WORKING THERE AT THE TIME...THE GUY THAT BECAME MANAGER OF THE ENCINO OFFICE AFTER I WAS FIRED,( AND THEY HIRED ALL MALES, AND THIS MANAGER HAD BEEN THERE LONGER THAN ME AND I BEAT HIM STRAIGHT AWAY, AND HE CURSED ME OUT SAYING HE HATED ME, ETC)INITIALS TM) CAME STRUTTING OVER TO ME AND SAID, "AHH SHAKESPEARE"...MY RETORT, "no gertrude stein".... Another incident, and bear with me I will get to the point, I used the word reciprocity with a potential client, and apparently the "guys at merit" hadn't heard the word, so at one point one of the guys who hated me, he said he was a writer too, he said, well what about reciprocity (sorry for the mispells, I don't have spell check as I had mentioned) I said, being a wise ass, "No I don't believe in reciprocity"...Actually I do, and I guess I got in hot water for using it yesterday... Now, in terms of Aflac, when the young Pakistanni student who got shot in the head for defending her right and her "sisters" to get an education was shot, I sent Aflac Ducks, which I had paid for by the way...No one was doing much at Aflac in terms of sale, except Barbara, who is married to "Chuck", so Aflac must have gotten wind of what I had done some how, I left lots of emails in my computer when I quit, and they started coming after me...One Army person whose 3 daughters were not being supported properly by her ex husband I wanted to help, and one day with helicopters whirling overhead, she called me asking me to help her with a pitch, and she was having a hard time at Aflac, and I said I had her back, so when I quit I said all of my accounts should go to her, but, I hadn't figured out the connection between Merit, and Aflac at the time, as well as T Joshua Ritz the ex attorney, who arbitrated when we should have gone to trial. Also, my friend who was living in Chicago at the time, had invited me for the week end, she said she lived in the same building as Oprah, in any event, this friend was in Italy with her husband and she was complaining how it rained every day, and she had gotten my emails regarding my plans, regarding the children's lab, and I also read her my Peace Love, she in turn kept saying, about my energy, which I have always had, except when I didn't...She said her friend from 30 Rockefeller Plaza had a similar plan, I didn't think much of it, and she kept asking me if I wanted to see the proposal, at first I said, No, but then I was curious, to compare it to mine, which I had already sent to Ron Myer, ex agent from the Morris Office, now at Universal, and by the way, I had taken the manager of the burbank office over to Universal, since I had a meeting with K Kars, I had set up the appointment, and also had written an email to Ron explaining everything about Aflac, as if he didn't know anything about it, was his request. So I did. I believe the email had since been removed, when all of a sudden the company that I was using iyogi, a very good company in India, suddenly was accused of putting viruses in my computer which I didn't believe, so suddenly Geek Squad at Best Buy was suddenly my IT source. The interesting thing about the proposal is that it had all these so called show biz big wigs, like Spielberg, etc. the same old same old, which is what I want to change with the help of Artists and Friends, but the very telling thing is that IT HAD NO DATE, AND NO COPYRIGHT. SINCE I HAVE A TENDENCY TO BE VERY OPEN, AND I SIMPLY TELL THE TRUTH, MOST OF THE TIME, BUT I AM HUMAN WITH foibles JUST LIKE YOU, NOBODY IS PERFECT, and this was right around the time that I had been communicating with the President, I AM NOT ENDORSING THE PRESIDENT, BUT I DID MAKE A REQUEST TO THINK ABOUT THE 90/10 PLAN, and that's when it appeared things began to happen with my computer...I'm explaining this, because I'm sure there are those that want to take credit for my plan, also, my ex husband Charles Arthur Bussey, worked at 30 Rockefeller Plaza years ago, and I believe that he knows my friend... I HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE THAT THESE POLITICIANS ARE GETTING KICK BACK FROM EVERYTHING FROM GYMS TO OIL, TO YOU NAME IT, AND THAT'S BOTH SIDES...My friend is a huge supporter of the President, which is her right. as it is my right to oppose him...that's my story(not all of it) and I'm sticking to it...Also, I want to thank Meryl Streep for being such a good and decent human being, and as I mentioned Susan Sarandon, and Richard Geer, all good people...Thanks again.

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