Sunday, September 29, 2013

More on the Ghouls...

As I write this a helicopter circles above the building...When I said I am a human transmitter, I truly mean it... When I said most of the insanity in the world stems from not knowing who your true father is...This is deliberate and it is a way of keeping the power in place...It's more than Insideous...It's MADNESS...And under attack, are Artists...No Need to try and Plagarize this too, because it is already protected...And no one can write it but me, which holds true RE:LOST ANGEL and In Pursuit Of Destiny, which I am the only author of... Believe me as stated previously, President Obama is NOT the first leader of the so called free world to participate in a continual money grab taking money out of our pockets and putting it in to theirs... Oh Goodness, suddenly lots of foot traffic in this building...Again, and it bears repeating, I HAVE ALREADY DONE THE WORK, AND I NEED TO BE PAID...I AM A WRITER, PRODUCER, AND ACTRESS AND I HAVE DONE ALL THREE... WHEN BC WEARS A T SHIRT THAT SAYS " EXPERIENCE DON'T MEAN SHIT" IS THAT TRUE OF SPORTS FIGURES AS WELL, YOU MEAN ANY ONE RIGHT OFF THE STREET CAN GET ON A FOOTBALL FIELD AND MAKE A TOUCHDOWN...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? AND WHEN I MENTIONED ABOUT WHAT DOES AGE HAVE TO DO ABOUT RUNNING A MOVIE STUDIO, I MEANT FROM MY PERSPECTIVE OF A 71 YEAR OLD WOMAN, ARE YOU TELLING ME MY AGE DETRACTS FROM MY ABILITY... THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT TALK A GOOD GAME BUT CAN'T PRODUCE CONTENT...AND THEN THERE ARE FOLKS LIKE ME, THAT NEED SECLUSION TO CREATE...I DON'T NEED TO WATCH A TV TO KNOW WHAT TO WRITE...I'VE EXPERIENCED ENOUGH OF LIFE TO KNOW THE DIFFERENT BETWEEN FANTASY AND REALITY, AND I USE BOTH WHEN I WRITE, SUCK ON THAT THOUGHT... I will choose the board and individuals, that hopefully will be a part of the 90/10 plan by how well we communicate, that doesn't mean we must always agree, and it does not mean you have to kiss my cute (it's been cuter, but you know what gravity can do) dimpled ass, but we should have mutual respect, and yes I know Whoopie, who was brilliant in her one woman show, said the hell with the Rainbow Coalition, I disagree... When you expect people to invest their hard earned money in your projects, the very least you can do is respect your audience...And I feel again, that the Board should be representative of their audience...It may not be practical in all situations, but this is part of the pieces of the puzzle that must be sorted out, and of course, there must be an uneven number on the board, which would help the swing vote... Doesn't the Supreme Court have that...And yes, I DO LIKE CLARENCE THOMAS, and he is not an Uncle Tom, and perhaps the hate towards him is because of who he married...Judge SCALIA I ALSO LIKE, HE'S SMART, AND HE KNOWS THE LAW, AND LIKE THOMAS, THEY BOTH VOTED AGAINST IMMINENT DOMAIN WHERE THE GOVERNMENT CAN COME IN AND TAKE YOUR PROPERTY...BUT JUDGE GINSBERG OF COURSE, VOTED FOR YOUR PROPERTY BEING TAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT...AS AN EXAMPLE... The names I suggested at the time, was right off the cuff, we would have to meet, AND AGAIN, NO ONE SHOULD BE SPEAKING FOR ME, AND IN TERMS OF BEING INCARCERATED IN MENTAL INSTITUTIONS THIS IS AN HISTORICAL MEANS OF KEEPING THE GHOULS IN CONTROL PARTICULARLY AGAINST SMART WOMEN, GAYS AND LESBIAN, FREE THINKERS, WHO DESERVE TO KEEP 90% OF WHAT THEY EARN...THOUGH I HAVE VOTED REPUBLICAN, AND YES I DID VOTE FOR BUSH JR. AND I'VE LOST FRIENDS, BECAUSE OF IT. AND NO ONE IS PERFECT, AND BOTH PARTIES SUCK AS I MENTIONED BEFORE...AND IF YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO STEAL MY IDEA OUT FROM UNDER ME JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BIGGER THAN ME...REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO GOLIATH...AND WITH A MERE SLING SHOT...ME THINKS THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD... AND WHOSE MUSE AM I SUPPOSED TO BELONG TO AGAIN? I AM CONFUSED...THANK GOD FOR THE CREATOR WHO KNOWS, SEES, AND HEARS ALL...OH, YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST A FAIRY TALE DID YOU? HA, HA, HA...HAPPY HALLOWEEN, WHICH IS TREATED LIKE A NATIONAL HOLIDAY OUT HERE...BOO! GWENDOLYN MITCHELL (C)9/29/13

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