Thursday, September 12, 2013


I don't smoke any longer because my father died of lung cancer at the age of 42...I don't drink too much alcohol because it ravaged my family and I don't drink coffee because too much caffeine can over work your heart, particularly when you're morbidly obese which was my mother's case. and I watch my weight because despite my very adorable trainer, oh if only he was 40 years older, would I take him for a spin (oops, ONLY KIDDING) any way, as I was saying, I do have a predisposition for high blood pressure and obesity, though Bryan doesn't think so...And I much prefer being lean and mean(not like in ANGRY)... WHY? Because that's the way I roll...Oh, AFI (pre British Invasion Days) I need to find my dear friend from Belgium , I haven't forgotten the lovely evening we spent together, you kind and gentle soul... We did the hand test, my fellow classmates (know what I'm talking about) when AFI was at Greystone Mansion, and supposedly somebody hung themselves there, and the property was being rented for a dollar a year...(YEAH, THAT'S WHAT the powers at be DID FOR ARTISTS BACK THEN) PLEASE Write the check, I need...Well, heck, you know what I need, the same as you, the only difference is that I earned it, and most of you didn't. AND THE ATTORNEYS IN OHIO, YOU NEED TO RETURN MY 5 THOUSAND DOLLARS OR MORE WHICH SHOULD HAVE COME FROM THE OWNERS OF THE PAPASHON RESTAURANTS AND WHO WAS THE JUDGE WHO ALLOWED THE PAPASHON FAMILY TO WALK, AND LEFT ME HOLDING THE BAG? AND BROKERS INVESTMENT CORPORATION, YOU OWE ME AS WELL, SINCE BECAUSE OF ME THE LAWSUIT DIDN'T PROCEED, OH YEAH...I DISCOVERED THE LOOP HOLE...MARTY MAY, ANY RELATION TO MAY IN COMPANY, AND I REMEMBER THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT AND THE ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND YOU WERE ASKING FOR... ALL PAST EMPLOYERS THAT KEPT ME FROM GETTING WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE, AND YOU ARE NOW HARRASSING MY FAMILY, HOW DARE YOU, ALL BECAUSE OF SEX, GREED AND POWER? AND DON'T YOU EVEN FORM THE WORDS TO UTTER, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT REGARDING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, MY FAMILY AND LIKE MANY OF US, INCLUDING THE SENIOR CITIZENS, VETERANS, ETC. DESERVE THE RIGHT TO BE HERE MORE THAN YOU, LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO THE AMERICAN DREAM? TURNED IT IN TO A NIGHTMARE!!! pay me now, thanks, and stop making everyone a scapegoat, particularly me, and you young folks, I'm giving you an education, which is not free. The colleges you attended spouting liberalism and touting how much you're owed...Sorry, it''s wake up time! And Con Yeah, it was not appropriate as to what you did to Taylor Swift, not right at all, and your phrase, about "light skin niggers" WHAT ABOUT BLACK SKINNED NIGGERS...NOW HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES, CRUNCH CRUNCH! you ain't all that, nobody is...Again, pay me, if Con Yeah is worth, how much? Then I should be worth triple that, and yeah, I said it, you think you were gonna get a free ride from me nigga?! I see you like the word too...I suggest you invest in my projects along with the other rightgeous folk, of all ages, color and stripes. Have a good life, but pay me...Con Yeah, you do kinda sound like a mysongnist, (sorry don't have spell check) and you were on the Cover of Time Magazine Not Too Too Long Ago, how did you rate that again?...And JayZee, your success wouldn't have anything to do with your...Oh, I think I better quit while I'm ahead... Am I the only one with a reel (credit to Sandra Sharpe, classy lady, talented) sense of humor?...PAY ME, sorry, I USED TO STUTTER...Pay me...Pay me...oh somebody stop me!!! Unique Perspective...Rocks all over the world!!! Politicans you should have your own Oscar show, ever thought about that? What happened to that show on who would make the best president? And that bogus story about so much money that you had invested that you nearly lost your businesses, is BS quadrupled, if anything I made your companies better than they were before I started. And Israel, you still got some 'splainin' to do, about WHY YOU SUPPORTED APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA? And think like a man, Steve Harvey, putting the mother of your child down is so typical...Yeah, I heard you don't pay your bills, and since the congloms are always listening, word got out that I said it huh, and one of my so called friends brother worked for you, he was a script writer for your show...So, why have you done for the mother of your child lately, and does she carry the stretch marks so she can't look as good as the women you oogle that have never had a child, or, chose not to have the baby, that you treat better than the mother of your child? You hypocrite!!! Remember, I don't have to be Politically Correct, and as I said while I was stopped in South Africa by a bearded wonder asking what it's all about his girlfriend had left him and I said, and I'll repeat, NO MAN SHOULD ASK A WOMAN FOR HER HAND IN MARRIAGE UNLESS HE CAN AFFORD TO SUPPORT HER...MALES ARE SO UNAPPEALING TO YOUNG WOMEN BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE TAKEN CARE OF, YOU KNOW WHAT A TURN OFF THAT IS TO A FEMALE AND THEN YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO PUT DOWN "AMERICAN WOMAN, KEEP AWAY FROM ME" (GLADLY) AND ROBERT DENIRO WHY WERE BOTH YOUR WHITES AFRICAN AMERICAN? MS HIGHTOWER REMEMBER WHEN I CONTACTED YOU REGARDING MY SCRIPT, A RECOMMENDATION FROM A MUTUAL FRIEND, I'D LOVE TO SIT AND DISCUSS WITH YOU AT LEAST TWO OF MY PROJECTS, TWO OF THEM BY THE WAY HAVE ANIMALS AND ARE FAMILY ORIENTED, I'D GIVE YOU THE PRIVILEDGE OF BEING AN INVESTOR..I'D RATHER TAKE MY OWN SELF OUT TO DINNER THAN BE WITH MORE THAN HALF OF YOU GUYS...HI MR CHESTNUT, HOW YOU DOIN' I SEE YOU MADE SOME MONEY OFF ME TOO,,,I'M BEGINNING TO THINK THAT I'M THE ONE WITH THE MONEY, AND FOLKS ARE AUDITIIONING TO BE MY MATE SO THEY CAN CONTROL THINGS, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN...GIVE ME MY MONEY. AND I WILL COMPLETE THE PLAN AND TELL YOU THE PEOPLE I CHOOSE TO BE ON MY BOARD FOR THE PEACE LOVE, 90% PLAN, AND I CAN TELL YOU RIGHT NOW, SOME OF YOU RACISTS, ON BOTH SIDES, AIN'T GONNA LIKE IT... AND I'M INCLUDING 10 year olds to serve on the board, because they are REALLY SMART, BRILLIANT AS A MATTER OF FACT...CHILDREN OF THE SKY...THANK YOU, LOVE YOU, IT IS GETTING BETTER...I'M TAKING MY TIME IN WRITING THIS PROPOSAL AND THERE IS EVIDENCE IN THE PROPOSAL WHICH WILL BE QUITE INTERESTING. BUT YOU GOT TO PAY ME FIRST!!! OH, YEAH, DID I MENTION, PAY ME...DON'T STOP ME!!! (C)Copyright by Gwendolyn L Mitchell at 1:14Am on Thursday, September 12, 2013.

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