Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just my opinion...

I've always said, I believe that marriage is for men, except when the man has money...Poor ass men should not ask women to marry them, if you cannot offer a woman a better life before she met you, then why in the heck should she waste her time with you po' trifling ass... There's nothing sexy about having to struggle to make ends meet, I've had it both ways (get your dirty minds out of the gutter please) and I;ve been a housewife, maid, which is the same thing, and I believe that women that stay home with the children, which my"husband" always said, "No wife of mine is going to work", please don't say that if you are a poor ass that can't keep the woman you supposedly love in Kotex, OK? And it's time to take the power out of the hands where it doesn't belong, Government, and give it to the people that are givers, rather than takers, and I'm not talking about caregivers, thoough they are a worthy bunch, some, not all, and NO, you cannot have any of my property, the lot I will be taking out of the Goodson Family Trust perhaps, perhaps not, since I do need money, due to the fact that all the forces of evil conspired against me. Hi Chuck! Hey Ted Turner, didn't I see you kicking your toe on the curb up on Vine St, and you looked pretty all right to me, but of course, Business First...Eat your heart out Jane... The Lesson Learned, know your own value, don't ever, ever, ever, let anyone, and I mean ANY ONE, male and or female, or any other gender, including Transexuals, which are part of our family of man AND woman kind too, WHITE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, ETC. WHAT YOU ARE WORTH...And to answer the question a man asked me recently, "You think 600 million is going to be enough for you?" "HELL NO!" WRITE THE CHECK! AND ON A SERIOUS NOTE, I WILL BE GOING TO THE UN REGARDING THE HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AGAINST ME, AND ALL THE ARTISTS AND HARD WORKING DEDICATED PERSONS STRIVING TO MAKE THE WORLD BETTER...DON'T YOU DARE ASK ME TO GIVE UP WHAT I WORKED SO HARD FOR. And all those that are guilty will pay, including attorneys that deceived me, and all the ex employers that had me slaving away, making them money, when it was my money in the first place. I don't need someone with a drinking problem or someone forced in to bankruptcy to think they are going to come mess with my money. And you women who claimed I was with your man, did you ever consider, it wasn't me? 'Sides, as beautiful and elegant as Lena Horne was, they still considered her a "Nigger"...But one white man, Richard Widmark, cast her in his Western and she didn't have to sing, unless she wanted to of course. So a Hero and or Heroine comes in many different packaging...And I believe that I am definetly someone worth fighting for, and apparently, the Creator thinks so too...Ah Women! Next! (c)copyright by Gwendolyn Mitchell 5:48AM, on 9/12/13

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