Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Coincidence, or what...?

I pointed out several situations in my last blog...And apparently many people appear disappointed, their reactions convey disappointment...One should never apologize or explain I've been told...Things are never as they appear...I noticed many people were packing up and leaving Hollywood yesterday... Also, I recall the early part of the year, after going in to Zara's in Hollywood, after trying on several outfits and buying a white dress, that a young white woman looking at her cell phone actually said to me in front of the mail box service on Wilcox, "I want to know how a 70 year old woman got an ass like that?" I was shocked by her statement, apparently clothing stores take photos of their customers in various stages of undress...Nice huh...Wait until streaming starts, as I had mentioned yesterday in my blog...THINGS ARE OUT OF CONTROL. Did I give anyone permission to take photographs of me? NO!!!...Again, violations of my civil rights, also I can add Burke Williams to that ever growing list, because they obviously record everything that's said while having a massage or facial...this does not reflect on some of the wonderful technicias I have had there, particularly Rene who had given me my facials... My so called neighbors, some of whom have been here, as I, since the building was built by Khorda and Family in 92...And I have had to make complaints about racial discrimination in this building in the past... I don't have to contrive something in order to receive what the Creator had intended for me to have in the first place...And all you "Look Alikes", yes that's what they're called in show biz, they look like the stars that the general public admires so...Particularly at the Oscars... I was wondering while working at Aflac in Burbank, who all the "suits" were that had suddenly appeared after I had written to President O'Bama describing what a typical African American 70 year old is about, and also asking if he could assist me in my sexual and racial discriminatiion suit which had recently been settled, against my prior employer, (Merrit Financial) and why were these suits gathering information while at the Burbank office? And I must say, that Hollywood is quite bizarre with their use of White and Black magic... Could it be that someone wants me to appear as if I'm really crazy? So they can take my property? All they need are two so called shrinks to say that I'm incompetent, and of course I'm already changing that factor.since most shrinks, in my opinion, are quacks. Are you aware that there was a time that husbands when they wanted to get rid of their wives would just put them in mental institutions, state hospitals, etc....In fact as many of you already know, "In Pursuit of Destiny" my novel, which is based on a true story, describes such a scenario in my novel, and I noticed one morning how several Gold's Gym patrons were actually acting out a scene that had been described in my novel about men loving their cars more than their wives or girlfriends. I also contend that certain duplication stores i.e. "Charlie Chan" on Sunset for example, I allege duplicate your material, and make money from it...Did anyone see "The Moment Hotel" across from Charlie Chan? And how did my novel get out there in the first place...I know who I sent the hard copy to and also the pdf version. And one of those individuals has the same last name as mine, though we are not related...Not too long ago I saw her moving in to the Hancock Park Area, though she looked differently the voice was the same as she kept apologizing, repeating "I'm sorry". Which I had been getting a lot of lately, as I had mentioned previously. Perfect strangers coming up to me, saying, "Sorry I got ahead of you". The apologies are not enough. And as previously stated, I forgive, but PAY ME! And whatever is going on, don't you think I should be privy to since it involves me apparently. Did I inherit something, or get a part offer, or what? No one has told me what is going on here, and I think it would be reasonable to know why I am going through this? Thinking back to all my ex employers, when I started in most of these sales rooms, they were not doing well at all, but sure enough in a year or so, with me there they would soar, and then I'd be out of a job, once again. Yes, I must be paid for my labor, my toil and the Creator I'm certain will see to it, and I will be compensated financially, and then I will be happy to oblige the people that scream at me and say, "Go" after they have already benefited from my labor, and I have not, as yet, but through the Creator, I will in his time. And yes, I allege my neighbors did steal my computer, with the content of my work inside...You see I can hear you...And I'm aware I've been illegally recorded and spied on, and during my recent travels I saw evidence of ex lovers having benefited financially given businesses. So who is the person(s) or entity out to try and destroy Gwendolyn "Gwenn" Mitchell? And why? Could it be so called friends and lovers, and perhaps even family members? Or perhaps all of the above? All will be revealed very shortly. And there are those who are only capable of stealing, not creating, like many in Hollywood and else where. And my Peace/Love Plan which I had been working on, this the GHOULS are trying to take over, and I have not been compensated, not one single dime, and the benefits that so many people have received from me, as my ex attorney had mentioned to me,(if he is an attorney at all, I have found out that he lied about going to college back East, I believe T.Joshua Ritz had said he'd gone to Cornell,or Princeton, yet he went to some local law school in CA... Also, you keep looking at your watches, and this signifies what? I have done the work, now it needs to be produced, not stolen...And what was the name of that writer again, who threw himself off the San Francisco bridge, I think last name was "Scott" like in Ridley? Time to pay...YOU KNOW YOU OWE ME...Who devised the idea that "everything is new now"...You can't change the rules to satisfy your own greed and ignore your liability...All ex employers, and businesses I've patronized...Be aware, things happen when the Creator Desires for them to, not on your time, or mine. Those that have benefited illegally from my works, including my writing etc. and my celebrity, will have a reverse of fortune, if indeed the Creator decides this is appropriate, but the guilty will be immediately punished. My peace and love plan is growing and my 90/10 Plan is being accepted. And due to my knowledge and being forced, without my agreement or consent, and I am paid a measley 70k for all that I have given the world, and you are going to try and get away with not paying me? I believe the beating I took back in 72 at Park LaBrea, now called "The Landmark" by the Rampart Division of the Police Dept helped to build the Grove and the Holocost Museum and Nostroms...And all the shops on Third Street... GET THIS, I HAVE ALREADY PAID AND I AM NOT PAYING ANY MORE THE VERY ENTITIES THAT HAVE BEEN OUT TO DESTROY ME. MAY THE GUILTY, RESPONSIBLE, PAY DEARLY THE MONEY THAT I DESERVE, WHILE MAKING MONEY FOR YOU THROUGH MY HISTORY OF SALES ON COMMISSION ONLY AND BY YOU USING MY CELEBRITY STATUS WHICH I DIDN'T KNOW I HAD. AND THE DIALOGUE I'VE CREATED IN ORDER FOR SO MANY PEOPLE TO MAKE MONEY...OH YES, YOU OWE ME BIG TIME!!! "Time to Pay!"

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