Thursday, November 7, 2013

The South African Embassy

Was practically next door to AMPAS (Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences) right across the street, on the same side of the street where there are small retail shops. And in the 70's I protested against the South African government's use of Apartheid, not realizing at the time of course, that America and Israel, I allege were partners in all of this, which may be another reason why I was beaten while living at Park LaBrea... Again, I ask that you stop the charade, give me credit for my global plan, and pay me for not only stealing my intellectual properties, but for attempting to stop my ability to work in the entertainment industry. Sexism, ageism, etc. is not going to work any longer. Also, undoubtedly the reason that the BH Infiniti Dealership was shut down, I bought my Infiniti new there in 1990, and of course paid enough in so called repairs that never took place that I could have bought at least 3 new Infinity q45s. So I have been paying forever, for others, and not getting the benefit, so again, I suggest that I be paid and credited for my good work. Also, that was on the opposite side of the street, heading East on the right hand side, where now BMW now resides I believe. Pay me for my celebrity that attributed to the success of the many businesses, conglomorates, etc. And Fred Spector when you asked me "Did I get the money?" when I called to speak to you about my projects, what did you mean by that?And to say that you weren't responsible for representing me is a bold face lie, when you were my agent at the William Morris office on El Camino, along with Ron Myer, next to Walter Marks building, any relation to Lana Marks who owes me 10,000 plus. SHAME ON YOU, AND MY PAST EMPLOYERS AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME, REGARDING MY TIME AND HARD WORK, AND ASKING ME IF I WORKED TODAY, YOU IDIOTS, I'VE ALREADY WORKED AND NOT GOTTEN PAID, I WILL NOT CONTINUE TO DO SO. ALL MY WORK INCLUDING MY STAND UP ROUTINES ARE COPYRIGHTED BY GWENDOLYN L MITCHELL, AND CANNOT BE STOLEN UNDER PENALTY OF PROSECUTION. I want my money NOW!!!

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