Thursday, November 28, 2013

Politics as Usual...And it's still not going to work...HERE'S MY 2 CENTS WORTH, IF WORTH EVEN THAT...

Well, it appears that Hollywood is touting Hillary over Obama, that's a disaster in my opinion...Hollywood Reporter saying in essence that the Clinton regime is the best in 50 years should tell you something...50 YEARS,,,And it ain't Camelot that's for sure...It's a monarchy... I go for the individual rather than the party...And this two party, and quasi tea party system ain't working, we all know it... So now I'm understanding a little better what's going on, when I went to the gym I noticed that someone had been taping me since not everyone has a key to the gym,and I guess this is more of politics as usual... Listen kids, I want to produce my INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES, carry on with my plan for world peace, etc mentioned in my Peace Love Speach, 90/10 Plan as well as the Childrens Lab, but the Politics involved is unbelievable...More social programs, more taxes, more money in the pockets of the progressives, i.e. Democrats...WE STAND A BETTER CHANCE AT HAVING MY GLOBAL PLAN WORKING UNDER THE REPUBLICANS THAN DEMOCRATS, THOUGH BOTH PARTIES REEK WITH BO AND BAD BREATH... Some of you saw my tape sent to CBS, BBC, Ron Myer, (though I got a call saying he didn't receive it but they got my letter)...In the tape I mention to the young woman who taped me how crazy it is that when she comes out of the womb she's already in your money is going back to these canidates no matter who they are, if in deed the Hollywood Reporter is accurate, which may not be the case... And I have a feeling that all these politicians that benefited, as well as those around the world from my healthful life style, ETC. are now making it their own...I NEED AND WANT MY MONEY EARNED...I AM NOT A CHARITY... Why the ADL keeps sending me literature on high glossy print paper and color, looks pretty, but my god the Cost involved has got to be outrageous, where do you think they're getting the money from? Obama is young enough and dynamic enough and open enough to allow himself to be influenced by others, he does listen, he's a good person in that regard, politics aside, and remember, he is taking orders, Hello George Soros,,,as would be Hillary, the president is nothing more than a figure head as you know,,,POLITICS IS FLAWED, but I say that the Repubs, also ARE flawed, BUT are the lesser of the two evils and their oown self interest comes first...NOT OURS, WHO THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE REPRESENTING... I am being scrutinized to the point that it's ridiculous...I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks of me, and secondly, I REALLY DO NEED TO GET PAID FOR WHAT I HAVE BROUGHT TO THE CITIZENS AROUND THE WORLD INCLUDING THE US, YOU KNOW IT AND I KNOW IT...AND ANYWAY YOU WANT TO SLICE IT ARTISTS ARE BORN AND YES, WE ARE DIFFERENT IN THE WAY WE THINK, POLITICIANS ARE ABLE TO HIDE UNDER THE CLOAK OF WHOEVER IS PAYING THEM TO SAY THE RIGHT THING, IT'S RIDICULOUS......i BELIEVE THEY'VE ALREADY BOUGHT MEMBERS OF MY OWN FAMILY, WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT...Probably with the help of Insurance companies... THESE CHARITIES WHICH I'VE BEEN NAIVE TO THE EXTENT IN GIVING, GAVE 1800 LAST YEAR IN CHARITY THOUGH MY ACCOUNTANT ONLY PUT 1300 AND I ONLY MADE $15,000 AFTER BEING WRONGLY TERMINATED... Here I am a productive, 71 year old, who wants to accomplish what she was put here to do, and apparently I'm a threat...You've got civilians who don't know a hill of beans about beans, ordering and telling folks with experience what to do...THIS IS ALL A DISTRACTION...LIKE BERNIE MADEOFF, WHERE IS KEVIN BACON, AND WOULD YOU TRUST SOMEONE WITH THE LAST NAME OF BACON...AND DIRECT TV, COMCAST, ETC, ETC, ETC, THEY'VE BEEN STEALING my intelectual properties FROM ME SINCE I GOT OUT HERE, IF YOU TAKE YOUr COMPUTER IN, IF YOU USE THE INTERNET YOU ARE A TARGET, AND YOU CAN STOP USING ME AS YOUR POSTER CHILD SHOWING HOW A SENIOR CITIZEN CAN USE THE INTERNET, I AM NOT COMPUTER SAVY, AND HOW CAN YOU BE, WHEN THE SYSTEM KEEPS CHANGING EVER 45 SECONDS,... My talent comes from within, these politicians are good at reading the teleprompter, and we will be doomed if hillary gets in and the dems get in again, dems my ideas, and I'm still entitled to my opinion right?...NO GUTS NO GLORY...AND NO I DO NOT WANT TO RUN FOR ANY OFFICE...I'M DOING MANY THINGS WITH MY COMEDY ROUTINE, AND POLITICS IS ONLY A PART OF IT...oh yeah by the way, Happy Thanksgiving... (C)Copyright by Gwendolyn L Mitchell 11/28.13

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