Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Plot Thickens...Ron Myer, running for office...Now that's entertainment!

Ineresting, yesterday I heard from Ron Meyer, and discovered on IMBD, (of which I subscribed to. not that I recommend the service necessarily, I personally have had many problems, not the least of which of my info being deleted by someone)that Ron is going in to politics, well actually when you're a studio exec, you already are familiar with the Political turf, but what's interesting that when I did my tape regarding my 90/10 Plan based on my Peace Love Speach, and the fact that I had forwarded my Children's Plan to Ron mentioning the individuals that I recommend for the board, and of course I would also be deciding on who will and will not be involved. Ron Myer as far as I know is a good guy, but interesting that he's using the platform about debt, something which is clearly stated in my tape...Plus my work in progress stand up comedy routine which is also on the tape which should be delivered to him by Monday I would think... One of the things that's interesting is that I sent a couple of pages to Ron's office regarding my synopsis of "In Pursuit Of Destiny" we talked about it and he was concerned about the cost, and I mentioned about shooting it in China...I could hear the wheels turning, he was thinking about it, and low and behold on his IMBD I see the chinese contacts, call it all a coincidence, his campagining on debt for our children, and the Chinese connection, all of which I had spoken to him about...again, Ron's a good guy,as far as I know, which may not be much, I mean we never sat down and broke bread, that's not to say I wouldn't it would probably be delightful to meet his family and him meeting mine...I didn't know I'm just two years older than Ron...Ron by the way and Fred Spector were my agents at the William Morris office over on El Camino, and then they decided along with other agents to create CAA...small world. Any who, back to my PeaceLovePlan, 90/10 Plan, Children'sLab, which Ron has a list of the people I nominate, including Meryl Streep Oprah, and many others, some who I personally know and some I don't...I wanted this to be a politically free zone and I will be heading the review of people on the board and will be serving on the board myself as I had previously mentioned, and Ron who I called while I was incarcerated at DelAmo, about the plan and all he could say was that it was ambitious...I told him I had mentioned it to Fred, and he said talk to him about it...I love that all these guys are always in a rush...By the way, so I didn't think he'd be interested, but glad to see that he is...Heading up with Comcast I was told by him, Ok, ...Wonder what his job is there...And is Aflac going to be providing health care, oh I think they already do...Everybody seems to be playing musical chairs...Well not everybody, my true friends, and you know who you are, the non back stabbers, if there is such a thing... I know the individuals I want on this board, WHICH IS YET TO BE DECIDED, despite Katzenberg and Hillary doing a mock kiss in the Hollywood Reporter Sketch...Don't get cute with my idea, and I have proof that it was my idea that goes back over 20 years ago... Amazing how these suits in just about any business are non creative and we artists, and free thinkers come in and give them our ideas, they push us out and put themselves in...First my son who is with the FBI will and probably is heading all security world wide, My granddaughters will be involved, Brandy in sales, Jennifer in marketing...And yes I am the Boss, not Ron Myer, not John Wurts(z) my accountant, and Paul Wiseman who I met through John who is now complaining about all the work he's doing for me and how many clients he now has...Say thank you guys to me, so these deals being made, fine, go at it, and it bears repeating; THERE WILL BE A FAIR PERCENTAGE GOING DIRECTLY INTO GLM PRODUCTIONS AND VARIOUS TRUSTS, similar to JPMorgan has with banks through out the world. whether you are on my team or not...No you don't have to grovel...Just be decent and moral, as I am unless evil forces intercede... Do these guys ever work, or are they always traveling via plane...So I was a bit surprised when Ron phoned me back yesterday, pleasantly, to an extent...and I can appreciate him saying he wasn't interested in a philanthropy, like ADL right, since you've already got that going...So, yeah, I would love to play nice as long as I can find someone to play nice with... So Ron, the originator, of this whole deal IS ME, not you, and I would like for you to be a part of it but as I stated to you in the letter I sent out today the issues is CONTENT, CONTENT, CONTENT, the video of part of my plan is revealed in the video done at argentum, on Wednesday of this week, and by the way while incarerated at Del Amo, while I was still employed at AFLAC and where I was tortured by doors slamming every fifteen minutes not allowing me to sleep, etc, and going to court to be released proves that I AM SANE, anyone who has ever spent time in mental institutions, a favorite place where they put free thinkers and artists, etc. if YOU CAN GET OUT, THAT MEANS YOUR SANE, THOSE THAT STAY IN FEEL THEY NEED TO BE THERE...GET IT?...THE GHOULS ARE EVERYWHERE I TELL YOU...Ron your family album on IMBD is very nice...I'd love for you to see my family, but unfortunately the photo was swiped during one of my missions...And my material is being stolen every which way from sun down to sun up...Now that may be entertaining for some, but not for me. And Ron your profession on IMBD what's up with that...not clever, in my opinion, or funny...So if you are presenting any part of my plan as yours, THIS IS WAR, I know who I want on my board, and you are perfectly within your rights to not be interested, but not within your rights to present it at your idea...By the way, where were you at the Katzenberg fund raiser for the ADL, your abscence was noticed, and by the way, YOUR WELCOME ADL FOR ME BEING RESPONSIBLE IN RAISING OVER ONE MILLION FOR YOU THAT NIGHT...swak (C)cOPYRIGHTED ON nOV.16,2013...Choi..Have a good week-end! And you SPECTATORS out there keeping score, what qualifies you to do such...Are you part of the internet harrassment regime?

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