Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sorry for my appearence...

Haven't had a facial in over 3 months, and my nails look horrible, so I'm looking forward to my next mani-pedi...Remember this is what the ghouls do, if you're earning a living, they fire you, they try to direct you to needing more education, to spend as if you are working, this of course continues to feed the machine...They lead you towards bankruptcy, and it's Politics as usual, and that's what I had stated to Ron in my information on the Childrens Lab, I wanted a political free zone...I'm optimistic that it can happen...I need to gather those of like mind that I had suggested and combine the names of the others on the board, there has to be a meeting that takes place...First with the accountants etc to work out the details... It's not that I want to be the "queen bee" that's not what this is about, but when I see deals being made, and people with contracts getting paid, and I can't even get a facial and my nails done, and of course taxes will soon be here, and I've never not paid my taxes, but seeing how things are so corrupt this may be a first, and again, I've over paid on everything, cars, mortgages,etc...And I can't get a mani pedi, yes that does piss this chick off, since I've done lots of work, and have not gotten paid, if anyone even implies that I don't work I will shoot them an email so fast with x rated words that you never thought existed... How you doin' JJ Abrams, another new film, "Almost Human" (amusing and interesting title)didn't we meet awhile back...? Over a deposition regarding..."Cinda?" Hey since everything is :"New" there's no harm in speaking on the old, particularly since I didn't get paid anything for that either, well let's say an embarrassingly small amount, which my attorney at the time negotiated...Oh I know, I've got a chip on my shoulder you say,I wonder why? If this happened to you, your wife, daughter, son, or who ever, I know, you'd just smile and take it...Just goes to show you, I'm flawed, and I'm tired of playing the good little nigga. You folks have a good nite, you hear... (c)Copyright by Gwendolyn Mitchell 11/16/13

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