Friday, November 29, 2013

Thank you to my sweet African American Angel...

I didn't understand what was happening, I was walking on Hollywood Blvd to purchase a ticket to see a movie at the Kodak Complex, and it was cracy crowded I approached the box office, still not knowing what movie I wanted to see, I know Steve Harvey's Think Like A Man was Showing, and at that time I saw this beautiful sweet African American young woman, dressed simply but lovely and she was speaking in my defense, saying basically that I was a good person, I never had the chance to thank her, I think she was an actress, she looked familiar,,,So many people were buying tickets to various films, I ultimately purchased a ticket to steve harvey's movie, though I didn't attend the evening show, but later rented it at Netflick...But back to my "Witness" the African American Angel that stood up for me, I humbly thank you, and you proved with your generosity and caring that Angels arem't always white, in fact, they come in all shades. Thanks again and I hope we have the opportunity perhaps of working together in film, tv, or stage...You are Great, don't ever forget that, and I will always be grateful for you standing up for me...I feel I owe you my life, Happy Holidays, Sincerely, Gwenn Mitchell

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