Wednesday, November 13, 2013

TD Waterhouse, aka. TD Ameritrade, aka Waterhouse Securities...

From the 1990's - approx 2006...Here are some of the stocks I owned AEH, AOL, CSCO, IDID,DELL,DRGL.ONTC,KLCI,MCI, WAL MART, AOL Time Warner, Draggon Energy, Duke, GE, HWP,HSAC, JDS Uniphase,KLCI...ETC,ETC,ETC... I Allege, similar to what happened with General Motors when they took the bail out, and got all that money from we tax payers, which they still owe, and FORD didn't I believe...And the debt holders, bond holders, I understand are left holding GM got Zilch... So at the appropriate time, the ghouls come in and snatch what you invest in, and tax payers are left holding the bag, additionally, start up firms with great ideas, are put out of business,i.e. Topz(healthful burgers)BIC,now being used by Uverse, and then the ghouls take the idea, and then...well you know... And the Beat goes on, I just paid AT&T over 800 dollars in two weeks, which is approximately 50% of my social security, and of course when I was working I also paid an OAT (Old Age Tax)...Taxing us without representation was what the tea party was about... Keep in mind, my ex employers, who used my celebrity listened to my pitch, and then fired me and hired others to learn from my sales experience...similar to what's happening with my Global Plan which is being implemented. Not to say this is happening to just me, it's happening to most if not all creative minded individuals...They want to keep us working to pay their salaries, and with me, they want to try and snatch my property, or force me in to bankruptcy, or, to put you away and say you're nuts so they can keep this evil scheme going. What happened to the great nail place "Hands On"? in BH, that was put out of business, I wonder if it had anything to do with someone or other having a supposed affair, with an Aflac representative?...Rumors, more fodder. Who knows, have a great day...I'm going on vacation...(I can hear the cheering...Come on this is serious, isn't it, we're losing our rights...And contractors are making out like bandits on my idea on the Peace/Love Plan, 90/10 Plan, and the Children's Lab) Yes, I blog, and like CNN, this should be taken as entertainment only, same holds true for just about all the News that is always fit to print) So Katzenberg and Hillary are kiss mates now, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, hey, got it. You have a good day, and keep asking the right questions, no quarantee you'll get the correct answer, but keep trying. Choi!

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