Thursday, December 19, 2013

The attack by the Gouls on Senior Citizens, Families, Small Business Owners, Those that dare to Love whom they choose, regardless of gender, race, etc... OK, my debt keeps piling up, certain things are not in my control and perhaps the Universe is sending us a message that we must keep up the good fight...Why I say that the Banks, Insurance Companies, Conglomorates are controlling things, now this could be just a coincidence, but yesterday as I was perusing around Beverly Hills there was Spaulding Construction,,,Matthew Spaulding who managed the Burbank Office at Burbank, and right here in Hollywood we've got a street named Spaulding, as well as Martel, named after an ex co worker at Merit Financial, perhaps his dead dad...Do these streets perhaps have more meaning than just street names but are sir names of some of the conglomorates...Since I was wrongfully terminated from my commission only gigs, repeatedly after I gave the necessary input for them to succeed...And having worked for my real properties, and the Politicians are in on this as well, this merger with Sag/Aftra, by the way I may have mentioned that Reardon's wife is now employed there, and now we out of work actors are paying higher dues to accommodate the salaries of those who are now gainfully employed...Did I mention about half of my manuscript was removed from my MacAir computer, so I say that this is perhaps a conspiracy because the conglomorates and those that work for them feel that they're entitled to take my intellectual property without paying since they are attempting to direct me, and others mentioned above to bankruptcy so they may swoop in and take my real estate as well...I gave back my used Honda where I was paying more than what I could lease a Mercedes for, I could pick up a Nissan for 179 dollars a month, brand new...Why are and why have these companies been over charging me all these many years...And what happens after my demiise, they will take back my social security, my small pension that is evaporating and in fact I received a docment from SAG/AFTRA asking me to explain why I would not want my residuals going to them, which I allege they've been dipping in to as well,AND AGAIN, THIS IS NOT JUST HAPPENING TO ME, THE MONEY GOES BACK INTO THE POCKETS OF THE POLITICIANS...TOLD YOU ABOUT SEEING JOHN MCKANE, AND HIS ARM WAS PERFECTLY FINE, REARDON WAS RED WITH ANGER AS HE PASSED ME WHILE I WAS RIDING MY BIKE ON WILSHIRE...THEY ARE DOING THIS ALL OVER THE WORLD...I ASK YOU WHERE ARE THESE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT SIT IN RESTAURANTS EATING EXPENSIVE SUSHI, OR WHATEVER, WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THE MONEY FROM...I HEAR THEY EAT FOR FREE TO ATTRACT THE TOURISTS, SO WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE TO PAY? YOU'RE GOING TO BE PAYING MORE UNDOUBTEDLY...ARTISTS ARE DEFINETLY UNDER ATTACK, DON'T YOU WONDER WHY SUDDENLY SO MANY TALENTED PEOPLE SUDDENLY DISAPPEAR AND ARE REPLACED BY MEDIOCRE TALENT...THEY DRIVE US IN TO BANKRUPTCY...TAKE OUR PROPERTY, AND ITS NOT JUST ARTISTS, SPORTS FIGURES, ANY ONE THEY PERCEIVE ARE MAKING MONEY, THEY WILL CREATE A SCENARIO THAT FORCES US TO HAVE LITTLE OR NO INCOME, LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO KOBI BRYANT, NO ONE BELIEVES IN RAPE,, BUT WHY DID THAT YOUNG LADY GO UP TO HIS ROOM AFTER MIDNIGHT...OF COURSE WOMEN WILL BE ALARMED SAYING HOW CAN YOU DEFEND A RAPIST, WELL YOU MUST HAVE ALL THE FACTS, SO YESTERDAY WHEN I PERHAPS WRONGFULLY ATTACKED THE BLACK FEMALE RECEPTIONIST AT ICM, EVEN THOUGH SHE APPEARED HOSTILE, STATING THAT WE AS AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE HARDEST ON OUR OWN, CITING LENA HORNE BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED BEING ATTACKED, AS MANY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN OF COLOR, AND IT SEEMS THAT NO ONE STOPS TO CHASTISE THOSE IN CONTROL THAT CONTRIVE THE SITUATIONS THAT DELIBERATELY CAUSE TROUBLE BETWEEN THE RACES, THE GENDER ETC. LIKE SATCHMO ALWAYS SAID WHEN ASKED, HOW YOU DOIN'?, HE'D SAY "pOPS, THE MAN IS STILL IN CONTROL...THAT MEANS YOU, ME, BLACK, WHITE, RED, YELLOW, GREEN, SO SINCE I'M NOT PERFECT, AND I NEED TO BE REMINDED, THAT, WHO IS THE TRUE ENEMY OF US? THOUGH I AM 71, AND I SEE NO HARM IN TELLING MY AGE, THERE ARE CERTAIN RITUALS PERHAPS WHICH ALLOW FOLKS TO COME BACK YOUNGER THAN WHAT THEY TRULY ARE, AND...WELL THERE GOES MY ACTIVE IMAGINATION AGAIN...BUT THINK ABOUT THIS...ARE YOU BETTER OFF NOW THAN THE LAST 8 YEARS OR ARE YOU PAYING MORE AND HAVING ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL, THANKS TO THE INTERNET THAT IS TAKING OVER OUR LIVES, THANKS TO WILL AND ARIEL DURANT I AM ABLE TO GET ON THE INTERNET, SINCE AT&T SHUT ME DOWN, GRANTED I AM BEHIND IN MY PAYMENT, BUT, IN THE FIFTY PLUS YEARS, I'VE NEVER HAD TO CLAIM BANKRUPTCY, BUT THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO DO, BUT THEY WILL NOT SUCCEED, AND WE MUST BE STRONG AGAINST THESE FORCES THAT ARE TAKING OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS AWAY. IN CLOSING, I FEEL OPTIMISTIC BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE GOOD PEOPLE IN THE WORLD THAN BAD, AND GOOD ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, WINS OUT OVER EVIL, THAT CAN NEVER BE CHANGED. KEEP THE FAITH BROTHERS, SISTER, UNCLES AUNTS, AND FAMILY AROUND THE WORLD, CITIZENS OF THE WORLD, WE ARE WINNING. PRESIDENT OBAMA AND MICHELLE, I KNOW YOUR COCKTAIL PARTY WILL BE A GRAND SUCCESS, DON'T FORGET TO CONTACT ME, NOT NOW, BUT ABOUT A MONTH FROM NOW, MY CONNECTIONS SHOULD BE UP AND RUNNING AGAIN, FOR GLM PRODUCTIONS AN AFFILIATE OF ARTISTS WITH FRIENDS...REMEMBER, MONEY DOES NOT DICTATE YOUR SUCCESS, YOUR SUCCESS COMES FROM WITHIN, GIVEN TO YOU BY OUR CREATOR, IT IS A FOOLISH PERSON THAT THEY HAVE MORE POWER THAN OUR CREATOR...BE SAFE AND HAVE A GOOD EVENING WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR! (i have to remind myself of that) (c)gwendolynmitchell, dec. 19, 2013 (C)

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