Sunday, December 8, 2013

During my trip to Jobeg (Johannesburg South Africa)...Oh Yes, the plot is thickening,,,

I saw businesses in names of men that I had intimate relations, last name by the name of Chestnut, first name similar to the word, Swindel, having a business set up, now this guy hounded me like the dog that he is, at the time he was living with his cousin, who worked for Caltrans, and I said do you like living with another adult, anyway, to make a long story short, he pursued me, calling me three four times a day until I told him he was calling me too much, first of all he wasn't bright enough and I could tell he was just a little too slick, thoughT that his "apparatus" was enough to get me to marry him, and when I let him know that wasn't GOING TO HAPPEN he went back to his girlfriend which of course he had never mentioned that he was involved when he started pursuing me. Unfortunately when I brought my mother to my condo, he would drop by and also drop by the Hancock Park Nursing home, as other friends of mine, until she finally wound up at Cedar West Ward 4, where she passeD away. I had an east coast and west coast service FOR MY MOTHER, PICKING UP ALL COSTS, AS USUAL, During the west coast service Swindell and some of my so called other "friends: got up to speak, Barbara Mitchell, Linda Smith, and Swindell who mentioned during the service looking at me, when he said, "And I learned some things I didn't need to hear", which I thought was interesting, due to the fact that at a time such as losing a parent you don't want to get scolded, so it had to have been something that dear old mom must have imparted to him, and Barbara who did have my manuscript would stop by to visit she called my mom "Precious" which was sweet, in fact Barbara was taking care of her mother, also in her 80's whose name was "Eddie Mitchell" and apparently she had sued and won a judgement at the hospital on Crenshaw for neglect, barbara mitchell's brother worked at Cedars in their records room, and I contend that my personal information was leaked by Cedars, which is why I chose to go to USC who saved me from being operated on for a cyst removal... Barbara had read an early draft of The God Lady, aka In Pursuit of Destiny" I had sent her an early draft and a newer one, and it appears as though Barbara had sent it over the internet though she denies it...She and her husband Henry, both takers, and apparently not truly a friend... I say this because that is the mo modus operendi, she ragged on Whitney Houston and Dionne Warwick saying that they were ghetto and they would knife you just as quick to look at you...These were my so called friends...Apparently out to get something of mine for nothing...Anyway, she said she didn''t like the novel, but I believe she sent it through the internet, and not being a professional writer hadn't realized it was not a final draft, so she certainly will be mentioned in the law suit, also she defended my pov about the corrupt industry always hiring a certain type of looking Negro very similar in looks to Barbara, large boned, and a rich ebony color, I'm sure by now, she's slimmed down thanks to me being spied upon, and her husband as well,,,I didn't realize that she is not a true friend when she called me up one day, and I'm so naive, she was talking about someone on unemployment with a 15 k bank account, which was me, and again, her nephew had worked at Cedars, so follow me on this, Dionne Warwick just recently filed bankruptcy right, and I'm sure like me, there were similar scenarios, so Eddie Mitchell was her mother, I have an Uncle Edward Mitchell, a doctor in TN who died, so I'm saying that these Insurance Companies are running these scams, I've been told that I'm too young to apply for a certain type of mortgage, and yet, I know women in their early 60's who were approved, again, THIS IS A VENDETTA AGAINST ARTISTS, BY CIVILIANS WHO ARE JEALOUS AND ENVIOUS PRESUMING THAT LIFE IS SO MUCH EASIER FOR US THAN FOR THEM, WHEN THEY HAVE NOT A CLUE TO THE FACT THAT I USUALLY GET UP AT 2-4am I excercise, I don't rely on a partner or spouse to support me, like barbara, this needs to be investigated, also the actor whose twins according to the news were given a wrong oversode of drugs at cedars, cedars logistically is not a good hospital in my opinion, because the buildings are not situated under one roof, like lets say usc, or ucla, it's convaluted, and the doctors are not compassionate, when the doctor was saying my mother would be dead during the week-end I asked him to step out of the room when he discussed something like that, this same doctor told me that I needed to take my mother home to die, and I had no accomodations to handle that situation, all of this in my opinion is part of the scam controlling entertainment, politics, sports, etc...Michael Jordan, great player gets jacked up, Coby Bryant and his wife get jacket up, Woods the golfer gets jacked up...all rich, all famous and all envied, and THE GHOULS WANT THEIR MONEY...WAKE UP AMERICA, YOU, AND I, AND EVERYONE WITH AMBITION IS UNDER ATTACK, YOU LAZY ASSES LIVING OFF THE DOLE, YOU'RE SAFE AS LONG AS THERE'S POLITICS AS USUAL...AGAIN, MY PLAN WILL SHUT THIS DOWN, BUT IF WE WAIT TOO LONG TO COMMUNICATE WHICH IS THE GAME RON MYER, JOHN WURTS, ETC. ETC. ETC, ARE TRYING TO DO, BUT CAN'T BECAUSE THIS PLAN IS BEING IMPLEMENTED, AGAIN, ALL DEALS NEED TO BE COMMUNICATED THROUGH ME IN ORDER FOR THEM TO BE VIABLE, OK YEAH, MR SWIN DELL I FIGURED WHO YOU WENT TO LONDON WITH WHILE WORKING FOR AMERICAN AIRLINES, AND OF COURSE SHE GOT TO RIDE FOR FREE, YOU INGRATE..."NOW YOUS A NIGGA AND I DON'T MEAN THAT IN NO NICE WAY"...EXPECT COMMUNICATION FROM MY ATTORNEY AS SOON AS I CAN FIND AN HONEST ONE, IF SUCH A THING EXISTS...

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