Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't jump to conclusions...South Korea, Ukraine, etc

And what happened to Great Britain, did the fire get too hot or what, this is about saving the world folks, kids today and being saddled with debt that they had no part in, it is not fair, these are kids that should not have to worry about whether or not there's going to be enough money for them, to even be able to feed themselves, and of course the senior citizens they want us to die so that they can grab our social security back, if we don;t have a will or a living trust,,, I do not have enough money to survive and the bank owns three of my properties, had I not been a responsible daughter I would have had my condo paid off years ago...and I wouldn't want children to be burdened with that responsibility of taking care of me when I can take care of my self, it's just like all these folks who sit on their asses, and they see me and try to direct traffic for me, I tell you, we're fighting for our lives here, and our children's children, and it's the politicians who are benefiting from this, they can afford to go where ever in the world, my trip to South Africa, and I'm definetly going back what a beautiful country, I want to go to Capetown next...According to the press Obama's trip cost what how many hundreds of thousands, mine cost 10K and I splurged... I cannot continue to pay for the travel to these places, they made sure of that, they are trying to shut me down because I speak the truth and they know it...The AT and T Truck was once again, right outside my door, give me the money and I can become an ambassador of truth, which is what the Citizens need and want...My son, who served this country in the military, and is still serving his country he and his wife and three kids had to go through bankruptcy, when he was fighting for freedoms of other people in a foreign land, and again, it was always bottom line, in some way or other about money...It's a crying shame that there are so many weak spineless individuals in what used to be the greatest country in the world...What happened...America would actually rebuild the country of their enemy, of course, it was for profit and gain...if we shrink government that will give them less ammunition to do damage to us and future generations, like everything these days, it's politics as's a crying shame, believe me, a crying shame...I saw a woman walking with a cane, she dropped it, and she was carrying two bags of groceries, and she actually bent her knees and picked it up and started walking normally, under the Dems this is what they do, they are trying desperately to push me in to bankruptcy but that's not going to happen and I worked longer than the preisdent's been born....tell me I don't earn a tiny bit of respect from you turkeys that scorn me...The shame of it all...Are you fed up yet? No? Still dead huh, oh well,,,keep sitting on the couch watching TV getting dumber and lazier...that's where they've got most of us, over 71 percent of the population in what is supposed to be the wealthiest country in the world, is obese...I am no longer making apologies for bad spelling, have a good night, and think about this, please!

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