Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Please Can't We All Just Get Along"...

Great sentiment, but where did that million go...Anyway, sorry, we all need to stay positive and let's try to get off the importance of who we think we are, and rather concentrate on the positive results of being able to feed every human and living creature (except for spiders maybe) every one a home they can call their own, eleminating land mines, eleminating drugs, and creating truly a brave new world... This is not about men against women, or visa versa, this is about the future of our planet and the universe and beyond, and there has to be a social function where we can get the status of board members, those in, those out, etc. specifically regarding Artists with Friends and establishing a fair percentage to my blood line, as JP Morgan did with banking, and that would include all non team members as well... We have an incredible opportunity here, so please let's not blow it with pettiness, sometimes I too am guilty of this, I am only human, not almost human, Mr.BP...Loved you in Thelma and Louise by the way... What about as mentioned in my Peace Love Speech, shoring up the dollar by backing it with gold having one currency the almighty dollar, recognized all around the world, with par value to gold...Bankers, accountants everywhere who are interested in participating I'm sure are working on this...or should be... So many ideas, including introductions to new cultures and exchange program if you will...but you guys know this...And Steel is the way to go for lots of construction for buildings...EVERYONE WORKS...WE CAN DO THIS PEOPLE, HONESTLY...You've already accomplished a great deal and I appreciate you all, truly...I and you have to do way more, but right now I'm gonna take a nap...I believe that children grades K and possibly slightly beyond, should be able to lie down and take naps on cots, we used to do that in public school, it takes pressure off the teacher as well as the kids...Let's get going, NOW, tu...Love springs eternal..."It's true!Hate falls like a turd and smells foul. (c) copyright by gwendolynlmitchell, december 7,2013...

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