Monday, December 9, 2013

How Diabolical...The Ghouls not only stole half my novel from my computer, In Pursuit of Destiny

And as I was doing rewrites on the other half of the novel starting with chapters 18, this morning I woke up to find that Chapter 19 was missing...So again, there appears that there is no protection when it comes to the internet, this building, at 7818 Hillside Ave was built by Korda Construction they also had built Key Largo up the street which also had problems, and there are ghouls in this very building...Again politically entwined, Sally Wolf, Grey mentioned before...The powers at be want to keep you enslaved through directing what they want you to do, not your God given gifts, as artists, free thinkers, everyone thinking alike, they just stole half my novel and an additiional chapter which means that I have to rewrite, my rewrites, so I do the work, they steal my work, and they make money from my work, and they are also doing it to you, they tell you you need an education, spend more money get in to debt, do you think its appropriate for grown children with children to be living with their parents, that's what they want to do, and it was a sad day as Judge Thomas and Scalia of the supreme court when Ginsberg voted for immenent domaine where they can come and take your real property... So since I am an individual thinker, as one should be, I do not want to be dictated to, and directed to a way of life that is not productive or creative... Anyway, enough of me, how about you, how are you doing, again, the plane to free the citizens of the world from human bondage is growing near, and we must not be hasty or rash, but methodical to make sure we are not replacing one set of ghouls for another... Pray for President Mandella's soul that it will find a safe haven...Thank the creator that the creator is helping in ridding the planet of the negative elements that hinder peace harmony and love. Have a peaceful and productive day...Earn and get to keep most of what you earn...90% is our goal... Thank you. Gwendolyn Mitchell (c)Copyright by Gwendolyn Mitchell Dec.9, 2013

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