Sunday, December 8, 2013


So here's how they did it with me, after doing Shaft, I moved out from NY to Hollywood, USA, in fact I wrote an expose of what actors were going through back then, which was published in Essence Magazine, the article was titled Out of Focus, it was an expose, some of you so called czars, and college grads of Harvard and the like probably don;t even know what an expose is... Anyway, when I couldn't get work because I have no problem in saying what's on my mind, I had to find work outside of the industry, remember, I had turned down Fred Spector's offer to come party with some Politcal people, and I turned that down, when I came out here I was with ICM, and it was Williams Morris that called me and said, Gwen we think we can do something for you here at the Morris office, they got me a movie distributed by Columbia Pictures, directed by Sutton Rolley, and Produced by Charles Fries, who still owes me back pay, and also the Rookies, that was it... After I got beaten up in 72 soon after Shaft was released, was when I would be picked up by various talent agencies, going from the biggest, which aren't necessarily the best, the advantage is that they package films, controlling the directors, writers, stars, etc...that bs...Anyway, as my career started to slide, and since I don't party hearty, I was pretty much left alone, seemingly, but not really... When I Went in to sales, I became a registered rep, took that test and passed and began raising money for limited partnerships, sent President Obama a template of one of my projects when I wanted Margaret Avery and Ron Silver, directed by Stan lathanm, and also gave Stan another script which I hand delivered to his wife in their little house in Beverly Hills... Didn't see Stan for awhile, by the way he was at ICM I understand, anyway there was a book signing for Bert Andrews a new york photographer, who had taken photos of me, and I thought was a friend, he barely spoke to me at his book signing, but I did see Stan, and also ran in to the black comedian discovered by Joan Rivers, who is back on air, and I had brought along Maria Donovan who later became Mrs Tamburri, her brother was a writer on Steve Harvey's show... Anyway, time passed, no feed back no nothing, couldn't get hold of anyone, Margaret was optimistic and I tried raising the money, wrote and traveled everywhere to see if I could raise money, flew to NY and delivered Frances loves Frances to Whoopie Goldberg's people on a brilliant one woman show...nothing, then she was an item with Ted Dansen, and anyway everything that I had done seemed to fly out the window,,,I was supporting myself by my sales jobs, never getting a salary mind you, in fact for months I didn't receive anything, not even a draw, in fact with Merit Financial after being cooerced by TJ Ritz(not Max?)to settle in mediation I found out after requesting my complete file that I should have been receiving a salary plus commission, and profit sharing after working there two years...I RECEIVED NONE OF THIS... AGAIN,so called owners in this building Sally Wolf in particular in 206 next door for some reason wants to act as my mother when she has a grown daughter who is married supposedly to a black man and has two granddaughter one mixed with the interracial couple and her son's child, who I briefly met. He too had worked for Aflac at one time...So because I endured and was stronger than my other contemperaries, oh yes, and by the way, when I was taking my Insurance exam, my application was stolen off my desk, so I had to get another...i also passed that with a score in the 80's... Around this time I started getting calls from supposedly the LA Times, asking me how I got in to the Academy of MP Arts and Sciences...I didn't like the tone of the reporter, I spoke to someone at the Academy about it, saying that there seemed to be a force trying to disparage the Academy... Now years back, I had given Don Wolf, Sallys dead husband a tape of Chicago to make a copy, after telling him I was relectant to do it, because it was against policy, but here was an 80 plus year old guy who didn't get out, and he and his wife were my neighbors for god sake, so I gave it to him, I guess he copied it and gave it back...Also I had lots of tapes and I mailed them to both my ex husband-father and also my granddaughters sent to my first daughter in law in NC... Now most people not in show business are intrigued by it, not really understanding the politics behind it, it's certainly not by talent, we know that, but apparently it's become how much you spend, a good solid performance by an actress or actor who may deserve the award of Oscar for best performance may not get it because of politics, that's why Marlon Brando, a great actor, didn't go to pick up his Oscar, but sent an intelligent well spoken American Indian, realizing the opportunity she had in reaching millions about the truth, the truth does not survive in Hollywood Mr and Mrs America, you should know that... Again, even more reason to shut this industry down and start all over again, recognizing true talent, in spite of gender, race, age, place of origin, etc, etc, etc,...WE HAVE BEEN BAMBOOZLED, BUT IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, I HAVE PERHAPS BEEN BAMBOOZLED A LOT MORE AGGRESSIVELY AND HAVE SUFFERED GREAT PAIN, AS MANY OTHER MEN, WOMEN, FAMILIES, ETC WE HAVE BEEN DONE IN BY THESE HUGE CONGLOMORATES, AND AGAIN, THESE DAMN POLITICIANS GET PAID FOR THEIR ACTING WORK, AND WE'RE TAKING THEM SERIOUSLY... THEY ARE TRYING TO TAKE MY PROPERTIES THAT I WORKED HARD FOR, ALBERT NOVIAN WAS SUPPORTED BY HIS DADDY AND MOMMY I WORKED FOR EVERYTHING I GOT INCLUDING SPENDING WILLINGLY TO TAKE CARE OF MY MOTHER FOR OVER 14 YEARS, ULTIMATELY BRINGING HER TO MY HOME...I REMEMBER SOME TIME AGO AND I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND HIS COMMENT AT THE TIME, BUT MY BROTHER SAID, WHEN MY MOTHER WAS LIVING BACK EAST AND SAID SHE WAS PLANNING ON COMING TO CALIFORNIA, HE SAID, SIS, "YOU'RE MOM'S MEAL TICKET"...AND I NEVER UNDERSTOOD WHY HE HAD SAID THAT... MY MOTHER WAS ONLY MARRIED TO MY FATHER, ROBERT CORNELIUS MITCHELL, A GREAT GUY, WHO SHOULD NEVER HAVE MARRIED, BUT FOCUSED ON HIS TALENT AND HIS MUSIC, BUT LIKE MANY WINDING UP IN A CIVIL SERVANT JOB...THAT'S WHAT THIS GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DOING WHICH IS WHY WE HAVE SUCH MEDIOCRE TALENT, IN ACTORS, WRITERS, PERFORMERS, NO OFFENSE, THIS IS MORE TO HIS MANAGER, JUSTIN BEIBER...I SAW A TAPE OF HIM PLAYING DRUMS, MY GOD...I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT, THE GHOULS ARE IN POWER IN EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES INCLUDING ORGANIZED RELIGION...HERE'S ONE FOR YOU...I WAS OUT IN HOLLYWOOD AT THE TIME DOING A MISSION IMPOSSIBLE EPISODE DIRECTED BY A WONDERFUL PERSIAN DIRECTOR REZA BADHI, AND MY AUNT HELEN HAD GOTTEN AN OPERATION, WHICH I QUESTION IF SHE REALLY NEEDED, AND HER HOUSE WENT IN TO FORECLOSURE, AND NO ONE IN THE FAMILY, INCLUDING HER BROTHER IN LAW, THE REV. ULYSSES JACKSON, WHO MARRIED CHUCK BUSSEY AND ME, AND YET, NO MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE COULD BE FOUND, THOUGH I DO HAVE OUR DIVORCE PAPERS, THEY COULDN'T, OR WOULDN'T PUT UP $300 TO PAY HER TAXES SO SHE COULD KEEP HER HOME, AND THIS IS FAMILY? PLEASE, THIS IS A SYSTEMATIC REGIME TO TAKE EVERYTHING FROM YOU AFTER YOU'VE PUT IN THE YEARS TO OWN IT, INCLUDING SOCIAL SECURITY, SOCIAL SECURITY SHOULD BE YOURS TO KEEP AS LONG AS YOU KEEP WORKING, AND SEE THAT'S WHY THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KEEP WORKING, SO WHEN THESE DEMS, LIKE OBAMA, CLINTON GET ELECTED BY PROMISING YOU THE MOON, STARS, AND HEAVEN TOO, YOU LAZY ASSES GENERALLY GO FOR IT, AND BY THE WAY, THE REPUBLICANS AREN'T MUCH BETTER, BUT I BELIEVE RON PAUL AND HIS SON RAND, WITHOUT KNOWING ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT THEM, MAKE LOTS OF SENSE...O'BAMA IS NOT THE WORSE PRESIDENT, HE IS YOUNG AND NAIVE, AND NOBODY WANTED THE JOB, WHY DO YOU THINK THAT SNAKE HARRY REED, AND HIS LOBBYIST SONS PUSHED FOR OBAMA YOU IDIOTS, SO HE'D CATCH THE BLAME, LIKE THEY DID WITH MERRIL LYNCH, AND AMERICA ON LINE, BOTH CASES, WHEN THESE COMPANIES WERE FAILING THEY QUICKLY SNATCHED A NEGRO AND PUT THEM IN PLACE SO THEY COULD CATCH THE BULLETS... DON'T BELIEVE WHAT YOU HEAR, OR EVEN WHAT YOU SEE, IT'S A HUSTLE...AND NOW YOU KNOW WHY THEY DON'T WANT ME GETTING CREDIT FOR THIS IDEA, AND RUNNING WITH IT, BUT GUESS WHAT, IT'S TOO LATE, THE MOST IMPORTANT ENTITY KNOWS IT'S MINE, AND HOPEFULLY THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD WILL AGREE TO THIS, BECAUSE IT WILL AUTHOMATICALLY KNOCK THE SCAM AND ITS SCAMMERS ON THEIR ARSES///HAVE A GOOD DAY/ (C)cOPYRIGHT BY GWENDOLYN l MITCHELL 12/8/13

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