Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Hollywood Machine...Up to No Good

Good Morning, Sluts, Whores, and everything in between...By the way, I answer to all of the above,,,That was my opening line which has been recorded when I appeared at the Comedy Club in Santa Monica... Well, I must be doing something right, when they(being the Hollywood Machine)need to use my IMDB page and my Unique Perspective Blog to publicize white talent, that's not racist, just a description, take a look... Also, I thank the Creator for discovering that all my credits had been removed, I guess because someone thought they were too old, but I earned those credits, the proper way, by auditioning, not on my back as the Hollywood Machine would have you believe... Also I guess I'm teaching you lots about the importance of excercise, diet, and being more caring about someone other than yourselves... I am not ashamed of being 71 and a great grandmother, in fact I'm proud of that fact, does that make me less desireable, I don't think so...Only if you're insecure...I am not trying to compete with young beautiful women, so get that out of your head...My granddaughters are all beautiful and would put many of you so called stars to shame, so forget about it. I may look a bit haggard, you would too if you were being harrassed constantly, and people wanting you to fair, may those individuals get their just desserts. If you're concerned about my sex life, which I choose at this time to be A sexual, since I don't feel compelled to give any mercy f---s, and also, for the women that have helped me, I genuinely thank you and welcome your support, and I do hope in some way that I am helping you as well... Those haters no matter the complextion, I feel for you, and wish you a speedy receovery from your sickness...You know who you are...Janet Jackson said it best, making a plea for the racist world to get well soon. It can't happen fast enough for me. Again, I contend that the Machine does hateful damage to those of us of a certain age, for instance, I have about 14 writing projects, feature films, screenplays and a wonderful 24 page Treatment,entitled, "Soul Monster" copyrighted by Gwendolyn L Mitchell, aka, Gwenn Mitchell, which people are already trying to steal...I saw the Van yesterday parked on Melrose, entitled,using my identical words describing a plot...Oh well, the beat goes on, doesn't it. Some people would rather steal than work...And those people that say, "Are you going to work today?" Dear Hearts I am always working, and I have better than 13 screenplays, a novel (which may already been put out there without my permission as the author)...How about you working for a change. Will Smith I caught a funny film that you produced yesterday while on the machine at Equinox in Beverly Hills, I didn't know you could produce...I didn't have time to see the entire movie, but from what I saw it was really good, the beautiful actress who was in Training Day, sorry, I'm terrible with names, but don't usually forget a face... Anyhow, by the way I did see the lovely red headed actress from BH 90210 yesterday with her daughter, and I'm looking for a casting agent...I am not the one necessarily that would be making a final decision in casting by the way,but if I believe in an actor I will give my best shot at saying why I feel they should be hired. It would be lots easier if my every turn just about is thwarted...Anyway, gotta straighten up my den. Thank you all for caring about me, for my downfall. or, my rise...I wish you well.

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