Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Beat Goes On...Even though it's Off Beat

I'm one of those rarities that admits when they're wrong...I recalled shortly after making my allegations against Gersh, that I did make a specific bound copy that looks like the one that I remember making. Can I say unequivocally that it is the same one, no I cannot and will not. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. If Clinton, our self proclaimed first black President (and even that I question, since lots of African Americans were passing for white...Why how do we know? Hmmmmm?) can look in to the TV screen and say, "What is is..." Certainly you can appreciate my position. And if not, you can go F--K yourselves"... You know I found something intriquing...When I tried out for the Airport Police and did very well, I had to find my marriage certificate...What I got back in return was a document that stated they could not find my marriage certificate and that I could write to further investigate, which I did... What came back was a Certificate of sorts that coincidentally had initials CAB, which happen to be my ex husband's initials as the investigator, though of course didn't have the full name. And not far from the initials was the name KENNEDY with a (1) in front of it... Just thought I'd mention that and with my very fertile brain, not a pea brain by the way, as I had stated in some previous writing,I wonder what all that means, does any one know? I have a feeling yes they do, and again, I'm the kid on the outside looking in. As I mentioned before, NEVER AGREE TO A CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT, IT ONLY MAKES THE ATTORNEYS RICH. So if anyone knows anything about this, and I do believe some of the individuals in my building do, and that may be why they're trying to make this property a "Hospital"...And why was my neighbor changing all the property and why was the self proclaimed attorney in #207 of this building who is renting this unit changing names of businesses... AGAIN, I BELIEVE I AM DUE MONEY OWED TO ME FOR ALL MY LABOR AND I AM LOOKING FOR A GOOD HONEST ATTORNEY, IS THERE SUCH A THING? I REMEMBER A CERTAIN BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTY WAS POINTED OUT TO ME...AND I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY...AND MY EX HUSBAND'S SECOND SON, "PHIL" LIVES AT CENTRAL PARK WEST...AND WHAT ROLE DOES MY EX HUSBAND, CHARLES ARTHUR BUSSEY HAVE IN ALL THIS...BECAUSE A "FRIEND" CLAIMS HE'S RICH...HOW DID HE BECOME RICH? WITH MY MONEY? JUST ASKING, I NEED A GOOD ATTORNEY TODAY...AND I WILL SUE ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED WHETHER THEY ARE SO CALLED FAMILY, SO CALLED FRIENDS, OR WHO EVER... I NEED A RELIABLE ATTORNEY THAT HAS THE GUTS TO REPRESENT ME...I AM 71, AND WHOEVER IS TRYING TO CLAIM THAT I'M BONKERS TO GET MY 3 PROPERTIES, WHICH I BOUGHT, PLUS ANY OTHER INHERITENCE DUE ME, THEN THEY ARE SADLY MISTAKEN... WHERE IS MY MONEY, AND CAN I FIND A GOOD CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY, PLUS LABOR ATTORNEY? I'VE BEEN CUT OFF FROM FRIENDS, AND BY THE WAY THE ADDRESS THAT I HAD SENT OPRAH THE MERIT BROCHURE WAS, p.o. box 909715, CHICAGO, IL 60690, 312 633 0808... what's happening here?

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