Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Ghouls continue their quest for power and domination...

Taking what doesn't belong to them, punishing free thinkers, decent people, senior citizens, people who dare to love who they choose...They use sex as a leverage, spying on our every move, putting folks in a trick bag so the ghouls feel justified in taking your property, your business, over taxing us when they don't pay taxes at all and organized religion gets a free ride, like unions, etc. etc.etc. since they put the politicians in office that best serve them, not us.  That's why the global plan will eleminate all this nonsense.  How did Ohio, a state I don't even reside was able to come after me on a bogus charge and take over 5000 in legal fees paying three different attorneys when I live in CA, so one of the things that must be changed is all of these thousands of meaningless laws that aren't in the Constitution, because the politicians of course don't read the constitution and just arbitrarily choose to get money any way the choose, again, going back to Making Work by any means necessary to bring in money for the politicians, and that includes the religious politicians etc.  All for now, more on this later.  What would happen if we had national laws to govern the same for all states, could that even be possible, something to think about perhaps.

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