Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Interesting how all these athletes including Serna and her sister, and he used to play for the Bulls, etc. etc. etc. are losing their money all around the same time, Tiger Woods, married to a white woman, when I first started taking boxing over at Tiger's gym it was never mentioned that he was married, the Academy as you many know are suppose to be opening their Museum on the corner of Fairfax and Wilshire, remember this building was owned by May Company at the time of my beating at Park LaBrea, in addition, maybe a coincidence, maybe not, Marty May was the sales manager we started out in the valley and then moved to Westwood I believe in the Wells Fargo bank building...Also Papashon Restaurant which had restaurants in BH on Wilshire, and etc. where I was sued by someone named Gryzinski, and the attorneys in OHIO made about 5k, and this was a set up via I allege the Post Office on Wilcox and the Private PO Boxes that I had both in BH and on Fairfax...Again, all part of the scheme to take our money,,,True haters, that victimize women, men, gay business owners, independent thinkers, and creative types,,, You know how many times I've been called crazy, too numerous to count, this is truly a conspiracy perpetrated against most of us...Which may be why my GLOBAL PLAN AND WE ARE THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD, MAKES MUCH MORE SENSE THAN A SO CALLED ALLEGIANCE TO ONE PARTICULAR COUNTRY...MY PEACE LOVE PLAN PRAISED AMERICA AND ALSO MENTIONED THAT WE ARE NOT PERFECT, BUT WE CAN POSSIBLY BE A "BEACON OF LIGHT" FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD...

(c) Copyright by gwendolyn L mitchell 3/5/14 6:56PM

My parents are not guilty of anything other than trying to pay the rent and put food on the table, so I'm tired of hearing my family members specifically my son, my brother and my mother being implicated in this scheme which has been going on seemingly forever.

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