Monday, March 3, 2014

Should we be taking food from the Seagulls

Took a ride down to Malibu yesterday, stopped at Gladstones, saw lots of folks enjoying crab legs, lobster, all kinds of fish, which I love too, though I haven't consumed any recently but what I saw disturbed me and made me think that we need to create a new paradigm for so many things, like how can we separate our food from our sea going brethern,,,The seagulls couldn't find anything to eat, also there were many guys in wet suits just floating atop the waves, and the seagulls seemed to searching for food, as if there was not enough fish to go around, for them, and for us...
Could they mean something having to do with fisherman being limited to what they can catch, or should we be also concentrating on the paradigm that I mentioned, how to separate what the fish eating birds need to stay alive, and are we taking away from what they need...

It's like with the Pidgeons, searching and scratch for food in the grass and about, and they were coming up dry, in other words, nothing to eat...Is there a way that we can satisfy both species and all species without infringing upon each species inalienable (God-given rights)...Speaking about "Living in Harmony" with nature...

Put on your thinking caps and come up with a solution...Good ideas come from every place and from any one and every one...

Subject Change - Subject Gay and Lesbian Love vs Heterosexual Love or Sex, since Love and Sex can be different or the same per individual...

This is the Question, it is not rhetorical, in other words, we need a viable answer(s) -
Why can a man perform fellatio on a woman, and visa versa...
But if a same gender individual does the same, it is considered morally wrong, YET IT IS THE IDENTICAL ACT BEING PERFORMED whether straight, or gay?
I pose this question, not knowing the answer, and I believe many through out the world ponder this question because of its importance and because people wish to take appropriate action under The Creator's command.

Hope you enjoyed the Oscars, unfortunately I missed it...But enjoy the day, I've got to go clean house...

Thanks for listening.

(c)Copyright by gwendolyn l mitchell Marc 3, 2014

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