Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Woman Is the Nigger of the World" Fiiction Query Letter a song written by John Lennon and coined by his wife, Yoko Ono back in 1972.  Lennon was hoping to show how women had been and still were being treated at the time.  Tge song described women's subservience to men across all cultures."  With the introduction of Theodosha Evangeline, "Theo", the protagpmost pf. "In Pursuit of Destiny", we are hit by the fact that the more things change, the more they remain the same.

In Pursuit of Destiny is a manuscript with an approximate 119,000 word count that elaborates on Lennon's theme.  In Pursuit of Destiny is an inspirational work of literary fiction that shows why and how women are forced to give up their power; and sometimes willingly do so, in order to protect, the fallacy of men, being stronger, better, and superior to women.

In pursuit of Destiny  will appeal to girls from 18-80, similar to the readership of such novels as, "Fear of Flying", "Waiting to Exhale" and, "The Color Purple" all with strong female protagonists:women who not only overcome great hardship, but growi in character because of it.  In Pursuit of Destiny is a story for everyone who has a dream and wisely refuses to let go of it.

The novel starts with Theo's parent's first meeting in the 1930's, and ending in today's America.  There is a repeated love at first sight theme, "In Pursuit of Destiny".

That theme starts with Theo's maternal grandparents, a rich West Indian land baron and his beautiful white Jew bride; her beautiful bi-racial mother and handsome jazz musician father, whose side kick is Billie Holiday's pianist; and finally, Theo, herself who is overwhelmed by a man that transforms her from a realistic dreamer to a sniffling coward.  She comes to a crossroad when she must choose between what her heart desires; and what society dictates.  Along her journey of self discovery she comes to realize that sometimes one must escape from love in order to find it again.  In Pursuit of Destiny will inspire women to have faith in them selves, and then have the courage to take a leap of faith that will carry them to their true destiny.

What maes me qualified to write, "In Pursuit of Destiny" is because I have not only witnessed women who have repeatedly received far less than they're worth, but I, like many women, have to fight virtually every day of my life to remind myself, that I too am worthy of greatness, why?

Because it's an inalienable (God given) right!

I arrived in Hollywood from New York after landing the female lead in one of the most influential black films in history, "Shaft".  I continued my acting career in TV and Fil for more than several years after.  I attended AFI as a Screenwriting fellow in 1975 at Greystone Mansion and have been published in Essence Magazine.

INOTE- I came across this today and I felt I should share it with those of you who have a dream to encourage you to never, never, never, give up.

(c)Copyright by Gwendolyn L Mitchell 2/19/2014...Thanks for listening.

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