Friday, February 7, 2014


The ghouls are very diabolical on this 50th Anniversary of "The Beatles"...Did you know that there was a 5th Beatle, and as crazy as it sounds, I think I was the 5th Beatle...Keep in mind I have quite an imagination...But I also put my idea down a couple of years ago on my AOL (a company I once held stock in until the corporate raiders ran it into the ground when they put a black man in the company know that it was about to fail)...

It's important to remember all the GREATS, and say their names...and don't allow them to "die"...I remember meeting Adam Clayton Powell outside the Red Rooster in Harlem years ago, he was married to the beautiful and talented Dinah Washington,,,What a dynamic duo...Adam Clayton Powell was a handsome black man with straight hair, and features that if you weren't well informed you might  mistake for a different ethnicity...THE POINT IN BRINGING HIS NAME UP IS THE FACT THAT HE WAS VERY POWERFUL AND HAD POLITICS NOT BEEN WHAT THEY ARE, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES...

I was with my friends at the time, they were Mexican and we three three girls were working at Bof A as key punch operators at the time if my memory serves me, in NY at the time, we all giggled, when I had spoken to Mr Adam Clayton Powell, and probably because women came on to him all the time, which is what I wasn't doing, but he was on guard, so he quickly held up a finger, and said, "Here sit on this!" and quickly went on about his way...

This showed me that he was probably not a man of compromise, and at the time with Politics as insidious or perhaps even more so than presently, if that's possible, he was derailed in my opinion, from his rightful progression as President...

Back to The Beatles who I still  love their music by the way, I actually got in to a heated discussion one time with some friends when they said, You can't compare the beatles to the great Jazz musicians, no way, JAZZ is KING!!!  Personally I still like the Beatles, and if I was that 5th Beatle I wonder how it happened, something I'll explore with my imagination and put it in my novel perhaps...Of course JAZZ will reign forever, and  my friends were right because kids in their 20;s don't even know who the Beatles are...But JAZZ is one art form that can never die, because, it is original and comes from the heart and soul of people black and white, brown and yellow, red and orange who suffered, to overcome their right of expression.  Without jazz, there probably wouldn't have been Elvis, doing what he did and how he did it.

You've heard the one about Barbra Streisand taking Lena Horne's voice, well I heard that, and I guess anything is possible, but know that what that tells me is that Barbra was influenced by Lena Horne, and imitation is the greatest form of flattery and perhaps the late great Lena Horne was influenced by someone, we all influence each other, and there's nothing wrong with that.  Talent comes in all forms and all colored containers, so it could be as simple as that...Also, all gifts come from God...So God is always the source of everything good...I do believe that the talent pool is getting rather shallow, and that's why in the global plan we can reach out, explore and raise the level of talent to greater heights without making it black against white, (or choose your hue of choice)...

Have a great day and thanks for listening.  May the Creator watch over you and yours always.
(c)Copyright by Gwendolyn Mitchell 2/7/2014

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