Saturday, February 1, 2014

Now that I've had necessary sleep I've had some time to rearrange my thoughts and points of view

No disrespect to Jay Leno or Whoopie Goldberg, but I think that my global plan with myself and my "Partner" at the helm, whomever that turns out to be will do just fine...Remember as stated before, based on the myriad of abuse I've sustained over the years, I want, Love Std set up in Inglewood, the Forum has revamped and as stated we need a football team, something for the adult boys, much of what I'm writing today is reiterated from my prior blogs which you have not had a chance to read...I also want Love Std. in NY, Paris France, London England, South Africa and wherever else it will be appropriate...In other words I want my own company...Now this hoax that has been going on since I was born, and actually before that, harbored against all working class individuals by the Government, I'll be more specific on this later, this includes the church and all religious entities (My neighbor David Stevenson who supposedly bought his unit next to mine about 10 years after I did, he and his partner stole my computer with my writing, and submitted it, now hang in there for this, there is a Stevenson Manor right across from the Jehovah Witness Temple on Cole, i believe this is not a coincidence...
Checked my bank balance today, since I was to have my SAG-AFTRA pension automatically put in my checking and it's at a negative four hundred plus dollars, most of which comes from needing to write checks and the $35 fee per check, so not only do the banks charge you an exorbitant amount for your negative balance (which is perpetrated by the Ghouls' scheme, but remember, you're also paying JP Morgan's fees, so a reminder with my global plan where every entity that participates is charged a fair fee for being a part of my idea that allows them to keep 90% of what they earn, giving the gov't 10% which will bring government down to size and have them concentrate on the safety for the Citizens of the World, first mentioned in my PeaceLoveSpeech sent along with my photograph to NY Times and LAWEEKLY, in fact when I stayed at the Plaza I was responsible for bringing in over 600 plus guests), I keep reminding people of this because when they get bent out of shape for me "calling them out", including myself, and this is no fault of yours, it's because of the success of not only the dumbing down of America, but the rest of the world as well...Due to poor education and a monopolized education only allowing certain higher levels of learning i.e. Harvard, to have credability for example,,,There are other education facilities which are as good or better, how many Presidents have graduated from Harvard, and of course nothing is all bad, there are some schools that are better than others of course...
Back to my global plan, and how they the ghouls, banks, insurance companies, broadcasting facilities, etc. etc. etc. which we need and want to participate in the global plan, remember we need you, as much as you need us...

Let me even clearer, here are some of the companies when I couldn't get any acting jobs, though I had good credits, Oscar winning movie, Shaft, directed by the brilliant Gordon Parks Sr. he was in his 80's when he directed this, the film got MGM std out of the red and into the black, it cost a million and a quarter and has grossed over 100 million, you don't get those kinds of returns today, thanks be to the Ghouls who are only interested in filling their pockets and not offering any real entertainment, going digital allows the ghouls to make movies on the cheap, and actually steal unsuspecting actors identities, so that the same actors and actresses are constantly used over and over again, benefit to mostly white actors and actresses, now don't go getting huffy when I say the truth, and I'm speaking all sides, this isn't about taking sides, it's about righting a wrong that has killed off tremendous talent of all hue, and both genders. The Best of Everything a live daytime drama on ABC, produced by James Lipton who interviews "stars" from Actors Std. and also Jacquelin Babbin was also the producer of the live daytime soap, where I was fired after 6 months, the only African American hired on the show, and I had no male counterpart and as all my white costars and I had asked for a black actor to be my love interest, so that I wouldn't have to play the "mammy" role of listening to the problems of my white costars in character of course, remember this was around 68-69 and the country was in turmoil with the loss of two great leaders, Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and they desperately needed to make "Blacks, the term of the day, visible on TV, and then later on film, i.e. Shaft.  And believe it or not, there was flack not from whites as one would suspect, but from blacks themselves, resenting the visibility of blacks, such as Richard Roundtree, and many black actors and actresses, which has been part of the problem, not everyone is born to act, as stated Artists are BORN, not MADE, and the civilians that believe they deserve a free pass just because, and not being trained, by the way, I studied my craft of acting with some of the best, Uta Hagen, Lloyd Richards, Bill Hickey, and others, same with my writing, I didn't just walk in and say I want the part, I had to prove myself before I got it, as many professional actors, actresses and other artists, NOTHING IS FREE IN LIFE, EXCEPT FOR THE POLITICIANS, AND THE REST OF THE GHOULS , I guess someone felt I didn't deserve the Best of Everything portraying "Ginnie Curtis", HOW WRONG WERE THEY, PLENTY!, did a broad comedy titled The Immaculate Misconception at the Cherry Lane Theatre in NY, where the reviewer stated, "I had perfect comic timing" and no, we aren't related by birth.
 Why am I taking the time to tell you once again, my plans for my global plan is because I don't want any hard feelings if you should not audition and not get a part, or a job, or a businesses, it just means you have to keep trying, and there will be apprenticeships as I had stated before/
So the politicans are fighting back as I expected, and I would suggest that the people judging me and my plan and who are being compensated without my approval or sanction, you can return the funds and put it into the plan, because we can use you.  My intellectual properties will provide jobs many jobs for many individuals other than myself.  There should be a new format on using talent agents, in NY, we were able to use as many agents as we chose, whoever sent us out, and if we landed the job, that agent would get the 10% commission, the same thing should go out here in CALI, and all over.  It will actually make agents get off their fat butts, and work for a living.  That should also hold true with Real Estate Agents, if an agent doesn't perform within a month, let's say, you should have the right to go elsewhere, after all it is your property.
OK, FOR THE HARD CORE OF WHAT GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DOING TO PRIVATE INVESTORS, DURING MY CAREER AS A COMMISSION ONLY SALES REP...HERE ARE THE COMPANIES THAT I HAVE WORKED FOR, INCLUDING CHUCK FRIES PRODUCTIONS WHO STILL OWES ME OVERTIME FOR CHOSEN SURVIVORS, STARRING JACKIE COOPER, BRAD DILLMAN, BARBARA BABCOCK, GWENN MITCHELL, LINCOLN KILPATRICK, ETC.bidz. LOCAED AT 2020 AVE OF THE STARS, STILL OWS ME 6k, AND STOCK IN THE COMPANY IT WENT PUBLIC.MERIT FINANCIAL, STILL OWES ME HOURLY WAGE FOR THE THIRTY FOUR MONTHS, PLUS PROFIT SHARING, TELEZONE MAKING CONNECTIONS LOCATED AT 5757 Wilshire, same address as where SAG/AFTRA is located, and many actors and actresses had been hired who couldn't get jobs, that entire building needs to be evacuated (hee hee)United Internation Securities Inc. located at 15260 Ventura Penthouse ste 2240, Sherman Oaks, actually this is the firm where my son visited and a female from Gold's gym was pregnant at the time, , The Ponzu Compaies 217oo Oxnard Suite 1270, Woodland hills, CA, American Bullion, at 12301 Wilshire which had previously been a trading company and had cheated a female Asian broker, who was the top producer as I was at Merit, and immediately the company changed to a gold bullion company where M Orkan Ozkan the owner had no concept of how gold bullion workedm and Brokers Investment at 10920 Wilshire Suite 1620 in LA 90124 where our investors should have made money from fiber optics, real estate in Laughilin, they government took over the companies the investors got zilch, and they got all the investors money for free....SO WHO IS THE LAW BREAKERS HERE, I SAY THE POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENT AND CHURCHES, ETC. ETC, ETC. OH YEAH AND STARVING STUDENTS WHERE MY BOSS WAS A NEWLY HIRED EAST INDIAN, AND MY MANAGER WAS A PERSIAN WHO SAID, IF I HAD KNOWN YOUR AGE I WOULD HAVE NEVER HIRED YOU...

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