Friday, February 21, 2014

So you want to be in show bz (Cont'd)

So, as I was saying before I was so rudely interupted by my computer suddenly logging me out after 15 minutes, rather than the booked hour...The gremlins and the ghouls...
Yes the Ghouls do not like the miXing of the races, the good news is that there's nothing they can do about it...Because as I had stated, we all started out Black, and we dispersed to various parts of the world and because of climate, environment, etc, our looks were sculptured by Mother Nature, aka The Creator, Higher Intelligence...No Vodoo or Magic there, so when we hate speak we are attacking ourselves...

Getting back to how men have pimped out actresses and actors, and when they see interracial couples the hatred bubbled over and look at the mess these ghouls have made, and usually they're sheltered in places of power, organized religion, unions, politics, etc. etc. etc...I know everyone wants me to shut up, but why should I that's a cowardly way to go to not to speak up when you see a wrong...

Be aware that Insurance Companies have your history since birth, so do hospitals etc, and the phone companies, all of them, do the same, when you listen to radio, you hear the propaganda as well, call in and you'll win a thousand dollars, and what they get is your telephone number, cell, or what have you, and you wonder why most of us, INCLUDING MYSELF have been subjected to identity theft, by so called "friends" and supposed "family" members, and "neighbors" as well that suddenly now during this
Lunar Madness, take what they want, beware of those driving gas guzzlers, and the like, again, oil is used for many things so don't worry about not needing oil, for the type of air vehicles we need to transport and even entertain while aboard, we will be using large planes with practical materials,

Actors and Musicians etc. are a draw, people like to feel important, and they can be satisfied by hanging out with so called celebs, we become "dancing monkeys" but I always refused to play, Ken Greengrass my one time manager wanted me to be a singer, I told him that I am an actress, and I can't sing, nor do I choose to, there are so many great singers, you don't need one more mediocre singer, but you do need good writers, and I modestly state that I am a good writer, I've been doing it long enough, and I intend to get even better, I have also directed as well one time at AFI, some of what I'm writing bears repeating...
Careful of the internet, they know who you are, you don't know who they are, why don't they want gwendolyn mitchell to be a writer?  Because to be a good writer you must have a brain, and you know being a female on top of being African American is not something they want to promolgate...The ghouls force you into relationships that profit them, not you, and the divorce at one time was costly, just ask Halley Berry, if we are to believe what the yellow journalists write, it's a hoax to steal your intellectual property, take your real estate, keep you frustrated, and make it look as though you need them...When I was incarcerated at DeL Amo through Cedars, they took my blood, more than once by the way, and they put me under a microscope, when I went to NY in 2010 someone was allowed in to my home, I had given the keys to only two individuals, so one of them apparently was responsble for letting in the culprit, who helped themselves to clothing shoes, etc. I have had 3 iphones stolen, and again, thanks be to the Creator I am able to express myself...I don't know who has taken upon themselves to make decisions that I should be making, but it must be altered to include my ideas and create a political free zone, forget about which political party you belong to, that's part of the hoax, this has caused a dirth of talent, using the MACHINE to keep churning talent, "Next" as Jacque Brell wrote, the guy who manages JustIN Beaver, or what ever his name is, used to be a gym instructor at Gold's Gym at Cole and he used to train me, and later Halle Berry, so I wonder what in the heck does Robert know about training talent...Look at our sidewalks with all the piss and dirt,,,People who don't deserve to call themselves artists have Bogarted their way in to the industry and now we are all suffering the results, we want LOVE STUDIOS IN LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK, LONDON, PARIS FRANCE NOT PERRIS CA, A LOVELY QUIET PLACE, IRAN, CHINA AND RUSSIA ETC.ETC.ETC...HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT LACMA HAS THE RODIN'S WHICH WHEN I VISITED PARIS FRANCE IN 2004 I SAW THOSE VERY PIECES AND I QUESTION WHY WERE THOSE PIECES TRANSFERRED TO AMERICA, WHAT MADE FRANCE FEEL COMPELLED TO GIVE THOSE PIECES UP TO AMERICA, WHAT WAS NEGOTIATED, I ASK YOU.  WHEN I SENT MY PHOTO TO THE NY TIMES AND LA WEEKLY, YES I HAD SHORTER HAIR, ONE PHOTO WAS TOUCHED UP AND ONE WAS NOT...COULD IT HAVE BEEN BECAUSE OF DIGITIZING IMAGES, SO THEY CAN TAKE MY IMAGE AND PLACE IT ON ANOTHER ACTRESSES FACE, AND I CONTEND THEY HAVE BEEN DOING THIS ALL OVER THE WORLD, I KNOW MY DEAR SON, AND HIS WIFE, WERE VERY CURIOUS ABOUT THE GOINGS ON AT THE ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES.  I REMEMBER WHILE AT AFLAC FOR CLOSE TO A YEAR AND A HALF AND THEY TRIED TO DOUBLE BILL ME FOR TWO COMPUTERS THERE WAS A TALL BALD HEADED GUY THAT WAS MATTHEW SPAULDINGS BOSS, I NEVER WAS INTRODUCED TO HIM, WHO KEPT SAYING AS HE PASSED ME, "YOU'RE NOT SO GOOD", A REAL ENCOURAGING ATTITUDE RIGHT?  I CONTEND THAT AFLAC AND ALL MY PRIOR EMPLOYERS THAT I WORKED ON COMMISSION ONLY USED ME AND MY CELEBRITY TO SELL THEIR PRODUCTS, AND ATTEMPTED TO MAKE IT SEEM THAT NO ONE KNEW ME, WHEN QUITE THE CONTRARY, PEOPLE DID KNOW WHO GWENDOLYN MITCHELL IS, AND THESE GHOULS WANT TO MAKE YOU LESS THAN ORDINARY, MAKE YOU SEEM AS THOUGH YOU ARE NOT UNIQUE, WHEN I KNOW THROUGH THE CREATOR THAT I AM UNIQUE AND THANK GOD FOR IT.  ATTORNEYS, AGENTS, ETC, ALSO LET ME SAY THERE ARE GOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS...BUT AGAIN, GOING BACK TO THE INTERNET THEY ARE STEALING OUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES LEFT AND RIGHT, BUT THEY ARE GOING TO PAY ME FOR MINE, EACH SCRIPT EXCEPT THE ONE THAT I WILL DIRECT, TITLED A MATTER OF CHOICE, WHICH I AM PAYING MYSELF 50K FOR DIRECTING, NOT INCLUDING THE SCRIPT, AND MY TV SERIES SOUL MONSTER, ETC, ALSO, WHEN THE DEVIL PLAYS ACTORS I'M CONSIDERING ARE( OMAR SY, iDRIS WHO I UNDERSTAND PORTRAYED MANDELLA BRILLIANTLY AND PETER FERDINANDO WHO MY AGENT IS SUPPOSEDLY FINDING WHO REPRESENTS HIM,)ALL OF THESE I WILL BE COMPENSATED FIRST, SINCE UNLIKE MANY OF THE GHOULS THAT HAVE TAKEN MORE THAN THEIR SHARE, SHOULD BE GIVING SOME OF IT BACK TO ME, AS A MATTER OF FACT.  THOSE THAT DON'T FEEL I DESERVE EVERYTHING I'M ASKING, PLEASE KNOW YOU STILL MUST PAY THE FEE, LIKE IT OR NOT, IF JP MORGAN CAN GET A FEE EVER TIME YOU PUT MONEY IN THEIR BANKS AND I ASSURE YOU IT'S MORE THAN 1% THEN I MUST ASK YOU, WHY DON'T YOU FEEL THAT I DESERVE WHAT I'M ASKING, AND OF COURSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO YOUR OPINION.  THANKS FOR LISTENING, HAVE A GOOD WEEK-END. SINCERELY, (c) gwendolyn mitchell 2/21/2014

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