Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why Linux, Over Windows, etc. etc. etc.

It's easier, and it's just like typing and the Ghouls want to make the internet as difficult and troublesome for the rest of the world, particularly those over 30, so that's how they slow you down, also it's very costly.    Linux actually came before Windows, if I'm not mistaken, and of course the military created the internet years ago...Now remember in the global plan, since there will be no more war, and the military and police and sherrif's departments around the world will be used for the COMMON GOOD OF ALL THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD, then shouldn't it be in the easiest language as possible, kind of like why everyone should know English, since it is the recognized language of business around the world.

Our PRISONS AND JAILS AND ITS OCCUPANTS - We must first determine who is being wrongly incarcerated for their political and social views, ETC, and who actually committed crimes.  This can be determined by man professionals of which I have no knowledge, only on the surface ideas.

Thanks for listening/

(c)Copyright by gwendolyn mitchell 2/1/14 (including the two prior blogs today)

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