Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Gouls are more Ghoulish than Ever...

Well, I had an interesting conversation today with a so called Sears exec who turned out to be working for City Bank that issues the cards for Sears, poor insincere "Lynette" who refused to give me her last name and couldn't give me the address of Edward Lampert, CEO at 3333 Beverly Rd. Hofman Estates, IL 60179,... Lynette claimed that my account was closed in 2008, because of inactivity, despite the fact that after I won a settlement which I should never have signed, but my attorney T Joshua Ritz convinced me after stating how great my case was that I should sign the agreement which gave him 79K including so called case expenses and me 70K after I raised over 8 million for the company in 34 mos. Peter Epstein and Mike Getlin, whose mother is an attorney, were the defendants. They took my clients and opened an office in Encino which lasted not very long due to who the manager was, a sales person who hated me because I outperformed him, so I got 70K and my attorney got larger offices and a great big pay day for lying through his teeth that I should settle because none of my witnesses had signed, when in fact all of my witnesses had signed, and it's now being determined by the State Bar. Also, my physical address on Hillside is now occupied by many new faces, and part of the ghoul team, some not all, since I brought a discrimination complaint against the owners of the building, for their racist tactics, found out that some "owners" aren't even paying mortgages, or home owners dues, and that I've been carrying the building due to my constant paying of home owners dues, special assessments, etc. Also, back to Lynette, who works for city bank and Sears, couldn't that be considered a conflict of interest? I had purchased a warranty in the amount of 585 dollars which I put on my debit card, and when I found out that I would be charged over 200 dollars for a repair I cancelled the warranty. And the amount was returned to my bank of america debit card. City bank apparently didn't like that because they didn't make any interest. So what they did they retailiated, similar to what Merit Financial did to me for representing my clients, which is why I was fired without cause. Now I had purchased a water filter again not using my Sears card the early part of this year. I have had individuals recently attempt to use my saks fifth ave card, who was arrested. while in NY attempting to find a theatre for my play, someone was let in to my unit who took my sweater and bathrobe, and who had a dog according to Lou Piano, who was suppsedly the security specialist of the building since 1992 when the builders, brother and sister team, Korda, built this place. I had to take them to small claims where I won, because every time it rained, the builders forget to put gutters on the building, my bedroom was flooded. Does any of this sound familiar, particuarly to artists, friends of artists, small and medium size businesses, etc. who are being financially attacked by banks, phone companies, conglomorates all over the world, to snatch our hard earned money from pensions and sosical security so the politicians and lobbyists may have a pay day, while we scrounge, or are told that we must leave the state CA, NY or where ever because we're not buying enough, i.e. we're not buying enough to pay their salaries, is the problem. I am still owed for my global plan, it was not President Obamas this plan had been mine over decades ago, and it was completed in thought approximately 14-16 months ago, and I shared it on the phone when I was working at AFLAC in Burbank, when I called leaving a message for MT and husband A... I tell you WAKE UP, THE BANKS, AND ALL CONGLOMORATES ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS...WAKE UP CITIZENS OF THE WORLD...I NEED TO BE PAID FOR THE GIFT THAT THE CREATOR GAVE ME TO GIVE TO THE WORLD, BUT THIS MUD HOLES ARE RESISTING, AND THEY COME IN ALL SHADES...THIS IS NOT A BLACK/ WHITE THING...IT'S THE HAVES AGAINST THE HAVE NOTS, AND THE HAVES ARE TAKING EVERYTHING FROM US...I HAVE BEEN A PART OF SLAVE LABOR SINCE THE AGE OF 13, I AM NOW 71 AND HAVE THE INALIANABLE RIGHT FOR LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, AND SO DO YOU!

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