Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Banks, Insurance Companies Still Up To No Good, the GHOULS should not be winning...Oh by the way I don't celebrate Halloween...

You may recall when I mentioned about California City and their racist tactics, with the help of banks...Well unfortunately it's still going on...As soon as I mentioned I would stop paying Wells Fargo my 6.125% on the interest to my mortgage, at 7813 Quezon Ave in CAL CITY, Strong Management suddenly found a tenant whom I have never met, her name is Ashley too, I say too because coincidentally my prior tenant was named Ashley too, how about that, different last names of course...For the past two months Ashley has paid her rent, but all of a sudden, since I've been contacting banks regarding my 90/10 Plan and the PeaceLove Speech has been creating lots of work in places such as South Africa, Harlem NY, Paris France, and Perris CA...And of course helping Insurance Companies lots...And yet I haven't gotten paid anything for my brilliant idea, so today when I heard about a supposed TV show called "Shark Attack" at the gym that I frequent, and I was told it was on one of the networks, NBC, but actually it's National Geographic?...And why would I pitch an idea, that has already been implemented, and the terms of my payment which will be a fair percentage of every team or company involved. There are good folks who know about my idea, and can vouch that it was mine originally, and Maria Tamburri and hubby were traveling through Italy at the time, and I made a call to Italy from the Burbank Office at the time letting her know of the idea...So, whats up with that... Anyway I was thinking of pitching my brilliant idea about ending war forever, eleminating hunger through out the world, creating jobs, which lots of construction going on, and lots of people making money, also, all of my ideas with my writing projects and stand up routines are attempting to be snatched...It's my idea, but of course the GHOULS ARE INTENT ON ELEMINATING ME, AND MAKING THEIR SIDE DEALS...Perhaps Apple Construction which was my ex husbands construction company, and of course Mike Fitzgerald, and I'm wondering why are so many individuals conspiring to stop what should have occurred a long time ago. YOU SEE I WROTE A NOVEL, WHICH WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE RELEASED, AND YET IT WAS EXPOSED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, IT IS COPYRIGHTED AND CERTAIN PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE THE ENDING I HAD, SO I CHANGED IT A COUPLE OF TIMES, AND I THINK I KNOW WHICH ENDING I LIKE BEST, IT MENTIONED ABOUT AMERICAN WOMEN BEING SEXUALLY GENEROUS, AND CERTAIN WOMEN MARRYING FOR MONEY, WELL THIS CREATED A FURY...FOR INSTANCE IN WEST HOLLYWOOD THIS MORNING A BLEACHED BLOND WOMAN WITH A NOSE JOB, AND A MIDDLE EASTERN ACCENT (DESCRIPTION GIVEN OUT OF NECESSITY, NOT INTENDED TO BE RACIST, HONESTLY) MADE A LEFT TURN AND KNOCKED ME OFF MY BIKE...OF COURSE SHE SAID SHE WAS SORRY, DID I BELIEVE HER? NO I DID NOT... ANYWAY BACK TO CAL CITY, NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN FOR SOME REASON I'VE BEEN TOLD BY MY TENANT THAT SHE CAN'T GET HER TRANSFER PUT THROUGH, SO I DON'T HAVE THE RENT, AND YET THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY COINCIDENTS, ONE OF WHICH ARE THE TWO ASHLEYS, THE SECOND IS THAT HIGH DESERT REALTY WHO HAD ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY, AND COULDN'T RENT IT SUPPOSEDLY, ACTUALLY RENTED IT TO A SHERRIF AND HER NEPHEW I WAS TOLD, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE, AND I NEVER GOT ANY RENT... NOW THE BANK THAT MY TENANT USES IS BANK OF AMERICA, WHICH IS MY BANK, AND ALSO MELROSE DISCOUNT CARPETS BANK, AND ALL OF A SUDDEN SINCE I'VE CHANGED MY SS PAYMENT FROM BANK OF AMERICA TO CHASE, THIS LITTLE INCIDENT OCCURRED, SO I AM LEFT WITH NO OTHER CONCLUSION BUT TO THINK, THAT I'VE TRADED ONE HEEL IN FOR ANOTHER HEEL, SO TO SPEAK... This stems from me being my own person, not following the crowd, but again, WHEN AM I GETTING PAID FOR THE WORK I'VE DONE, THE SUPERIMPOSING OF MY FACE ON OTHER ACTRESSES, TAKING MY IDEAS, ETC...THIS HAS GOT TO STOP, AND 600 MILLION, IS NOT ENOUGH...AND NO I DON'T THINK I'LL GO ON SHARK ATTACK FOR AN IDEA THAT IS ALREADY IN PLAY...PAY ME...NOW I'VE GOT GE GOLDEN ESTATE MANAGEMENT, IN LEAGE WITH THE SO CALLED OWNERS HERE WHO ARE NOT PAYING HOA DUES, OR MORTGAGE, AND THEIR CALCULATIONS ARE INCORRECT...I HAVE ALREADY PAID MORE THAN MY SHARE, I'VE PAID EVERY BODY ELSE'S AS WELL... ALL I'M ASKING IS FOR A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, WHAT WAS DONE TO ME, I WOULDN'T WISH ON ANY ONE, WHICH IS WHY I DESERVE TO BE PAID, BECAUSE IT IS WHAT THE CREATOR WANTS...AND THE CREATOR WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT IT WANTS AND WHAT'S NECESSARY.

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