Sunday, October 27, 2013

Insideious Is Not A Strong Enough Word..."REMEMBER WHO THE ENEMY IS"

To show you how much the entertainment industry needs revamping...They are stealing drafts of my work before the work is completed, most writing is rewriting, that's why it takes so long, and why most people are not writers, or producers as they claim to be...i.e...(fill in the blank)... Yes I'm a published writer, yes I directed at AFI (American Film Institute) when it was at Greystone Mansion the project was called "CHANGES" as stated in a prior blog...And yes I Produced it...And paid for it by paying the tuition that AFI charged...I never had anything handed to me on a silver platter, I've worked for EVERYTHING I've gotten, and not on my back by the way as the NIGGAS (luv that word by the way when it's used appropriately)...i.e. housewife who marries for money, verses prostitute...Oh my..."There she goes again"...That's right, that's why I was put on this earth to shake things up...but more importantly changing things for the better. I NEED HELP...MAGIC JOHNSON AND COOKIE, I NEED YOUR SUPPORT SINCE I'VE OPTED TO GET IN THE SHARK TANK TO PROMOLGATE MY GLOBAL PLAN AS WELL AS TO GET MY PROJECTS OFF THE GROUND IN REBOOTING MY GLM PRODUCTIONS INC. AND FADE IN PRODUCTIONS...NOW GLM PRODUCTIONS INC DBA GLM PRODUCTIONS...I NEED YOU AND ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE...MARK AVILA WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT REBOOTING OUR TOPZ RESTAURANT THAT WAS A BRILLIANT IDEA, BUT THE GHOULS SHUT US DOWN...REMEMBERBER??? I want you on my team Mark Avila so we can do TOPZ all over the me,, let's talk, your son must be a great kid, I remember him when you brought him in to Topz Office, that was a great idea, a healthful fast food chain, and it was great, better than McDonals,,,but the Ghouls shut us down...Oh the stories, that are true that I could tell, but who has the time...LETS TALK!!! SUPPOSITION - I BELIEVE THAT MERIT FINANCIAL AND AFLAC SET ME UP, THEY KNEW ALL MY EMPLOYERS after I WAS SQUEEZED OUT OF THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY BECAUSE OF MY MOUTH AND BECAUSE I SPOKE UP ABOUT THE INJUSTICE, WHICH IS STILL GOING ON BY THE WAY...When I pitched Aflac at Gold's gym they weren't interested. Why? Because I was told they could never get a straight answer from Aflac in terms of their charges, I was the first to provide that to Gold's gym and I am a lifetime the Gold's in Hollywood on Cole. SO I NEED LOTS OF HELP FROM MY FRIENDS YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...BY THE WAY I'M LOOKING FOR A CREDIBLE ENTERTAINMENT AGENCY, MAGIC WE MET WHEN I WAS SUPPORTING JESSE JACKSON FOR PRESIDENT, AND I PURCHASED HIS CAMPAIGN BUTTONS, AND IT WAS A GREAT EXPERIENCE MEETING YOU...I would like to get an introduction from you, if I may, so I can get back to United Talent Agency, who I was with for as long as one good sneeze AND I LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING COOKIE,,,,I WANT YOU ON MY TEAM ON THIS GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO HAVE ARTISTS WITH FRIENDS, ETC, TO CHANGE THE PARADIGM AND MAKE THE WORLD BETTER FOR EVERYONE...I'VE GOT A GREAT IDEA BESIDES THAT ONE BY THE WAY, IN TERMS OF SOCIAL WORK, WHICH I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE TO GET A MORE POSITIVE AFFECT...GREAT BY THE WAY IN YOUR PRESENCE IN SUPPORT OF YOUR GAY SON...BUT OF COURSE I WOULD EXPECT NOTHING LESS.. ANYWAY, I'M OFF TO GOLD'S IN VENICE BEACH, GREAT GYM FOR SERIOUS BODY BUILDERS (NOT SOMETHING I STRIVE FOR) TO GET MY BODY BACK TO WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE AFTER MY INCARCERATION AT DEL AMO HOSPITAL AND THE DRUG OVERDOSE...ALSO, LOVE EQUINOX CAN'T WAIT TO GET BACK THERE, I LOVE THE LUXURY OF THE PLACE, AND I LOVE THE RODIAL... HELP ME TO BE GREAT AND TO REACH MY FULL POTENTIAL AS THE CREATOR HAD INTENDED FOR ME...THANK YOU!!! I DIDN'T GO TO THAT CERTAIN COMEDY CLUB LAST NIGHT, I DECIDED TO REST A BIT, LIKE THE LAZY ASS GHOULS THAT TAKE AND STEAL AND DON'T GIVE BACK...UP YOURS! And you niggas that pretend to be my friend but keep stabbing me in the back, you forget, there is a creator, and for those people that think I'm too radical, don't be on my team, but guess what, you'll still have to compensate me for the gift that the creator gave me, many years ago, that's now being implemented, and yes, I'm proud to say that I am a black African American...And those worried about my sexual prediliction, THAT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, and what that tells me is that you need to get a life of your own. Thanks Citizens of the World who are supporting the cause, a great Sunday to all.

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