Well I want to thank the Santa Monica Comedy Club at 1323 3rd St, Promenade #A Santa Monica, 310- 451-0850 allowing me to perform 3 minutes of my comedy material last night...I didn't do too badly, at least I was better than before, but when you're at the bottom ,you can only go up, right?
Today I had to get my cell phone worked on, it was a minor problem which initiated me going over to the Apple Store at the Grove on 3rd...To show you how dense I can be, there was protective covering that I had not removed. At the time I met a lovely Jewish family of four...and Rachel the mother had her lap tap on and I saw where Rush Limbaugh if I'm not mistaken is doing a blog titled, Perspective, well good for him Also I met Rachel's sons, James and Sebastian, they were very polite and sweet...
I also saw that Kanye and his bride had a daughter, though I don't personally know them, I do listen to Kanye's music, he's an excellent poet and rapper, and I don't always agree with his lyrics, particuarly his references about light skinned niggers...but that's just coming from my perspective, so don't take it personally, which I'm sure he wouldn't, being the artist he is...And yes, you now have a beautiful family, so again congratulations...Since last year when I wrote many articles including the Peace and Love Speech (which I sent to the NY Times and LA Weekly), etc. including blogs and other information, which appears as though it has ignited the world/(could just be my imagaination)...So here is my wish list...
Since I have been victimized in the very building where I have lived since 1992, I was the only African American and the purchase was a result of being advised by my then accountant that I should buy something, since I was renting at the time, on 431 Burnside, at Park Labrea, the same place where I was beaten by the Rampart Division of the LAPD almost 20 years prior, when I lived at 351 Burnside Ave...You may well ask why I would go back there, and why would they accept my application, I went back to Park Labrea in order to find a reasonably price place to rent...My accountant at that time, said, "You paid more money in taxes than the President of the United States", which I believe, if I'm not mistaken was "Regan", I'm too lazy to look it up, sorry. So that's why the purchase was made, and I'm sure the same dialogue was presented to many tax payers as to why they NEEDED to purchase real estate at that time.
Since my last firing which was at the end of 2010, I have been offered mostly, if not all, commission only jobs. Though I'm kiick starting my acting career as well as attempting to get 3 writing projects off the ground for starters, again, a play, and two feature films. So those of you that may be interested in learning more about these projects and how you may help in furthering GLM Productions An Artists and Friends Affiliate(Both of which I initiated), please contact me at gwenmprod@sbcglobal.net...
Thanking you in advance for your continued interest and support.
Gwendolyn Mitchell
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