Friday, June 14, 2013

DISCLAIMER RE: Albright Quote

I apologize for all of those who read my early morning blog which may have interpreted my quote as an endorsement for Hillary Clinton.  That is not the case, as I had once before quoted, I think both parties have a way to go in serving the needs of  its Citizens.

I still stand by my belief of the 90/10 rule for taxes, which would force the government to down size.  I recently received a blog that Obama's African trip will cost approximately 100 million, and I also understand that Bush at the time he visited it was approximately 49 million.

I think the 16th Amendment needs to be repealed as well and the dollar being the currency of reserve should be backed by gold which was the original reason for the dollar being selected as the currency of reserve.

I am writing this apology and directing it to anyone who read my early morning blog and I still hold true to what I had mentioned in the past.  I am not that smart and no very little about politics, but the evidence of whether or not an elected official is doing his or her job is by how well the country is, or isn't doing?

And I would never endorse someone based strictly on their gender.  I believe the citizens of the world have an absolute right and obligation to demand representation from the people they elect, and if those individuals don't perform, then they need to make a graceful exit.

And since everyone now is being scrutinized including me and my family and friends I hope the same rules are being applied to these elected officials.

Thank you, and again, I apologize for the confusion.

Gwendolyn Mitchell

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