Saturday, May 17, 2014

My Cohorts Informed me that I haven't said anything bad about White Women like I had Promised...Let me say this, about that, this is my personal experience...

With one white woman, who happened by the way to be a red head, and we had worked together, and I had met with this Nigerian who said that he had a special price on light crude oil, and if I could hook him up, well then we could have a deal, so I happened to mention it to this wb and she claimed her fiance, or boyfriend knew some one, I told her to keep it on the qt, and I promised that we'd split the commission, oh she was "For sure'n me this, for sure'n me that...We met with the Nigerian and I introduced her, and to make a long story shorter, she went behind my back, called the Nigerian on her own, and tried to make her own deal...So that's one experience with wb, and not all white women are wb's (and that doesn't stand for Warner Bros. by the way)...

Let me ask you, how would you feel if a black woman came up to you, you being a white woman, and said, I love white men could you introduce me to some?"

Now this happened when a woman came up to me at the gym and asked me to introduce her to some black men, I thought it was rather bold, didn't think much about it, but I was just wondering, was there anything out of line about her doing this...?

I know being from Yonkers, she probably thought I was related to Dolly, the matchmaker, but it any event, Love is Love, and the color of the skin really doesn't matter...I know this is a weak response to my promise, but not having much time, I thought I'd share it, particularly when a young white man said while waiting to do stand up, he said, "I'd never trust a white woman?"  Now what did he mean by that, he could have mommy issues perhaps, just wondering.

Well it's a beautiful Saturday here in Los Angeles, and I must confess I am doing a bit of procrastination, and I said I wasn't going to feed the birds anymore, but when they were scrounghing around for food, I decided I'd get one more bag and that's it.  I don't appreciate being dominated by a bird who doesn't even speak English, you know what I mean?

OK, that's it for now, but don't worry I'm gathering some stronger material that I can use against white women...

Thanks for listening.
(c) Copyright by gwendolyn mitchell on May 17, 2014

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