Friday, May 9, 2014

Let's not forget that there is a devious plan...

To put individuals such as myself in a vulnerable position to take everything from me that i have earned over the 58 years of working, and then being wrongfully terminated.  This plan was well calculated, and it's a plan that travel where ever I would go...It also is a plan with many moving parts, and the communication line is endless, where businesses actually receive information that is supposed to be private, and it reveals when checks are mailed and when checks arrive and the ghouls sit in wait for me to fall, which ain't going to happen.

Again, the weather is beautiful but the people of Hollywood, a very small minded town, survives on artists like me, and my intellectual properties have been breached, and careful of so called advertised literary agents who are part of the scheme in being able to steal intellectual properties from under your nose.

Hollywood is a place where the word professional, meaning one that is paid for their area of expertise, in my case, that would be acting, writer, and director, all of these I have done.  The small mindedness comes in when people with absolutely no talent feel that they warrant attention and accolades that they don't deserve.  Which again, why these bogus agents, who hang their shingles out without knowing the first thing about truly representing real talent, need to be scrutinized thoroughly.

I received recently a DMV print out with a total amount of alleged tickets, without verification or specifics of each ticket.  This goes along with a prior incident when I picked up mail from my post office box and came out to find on my car windshield a notice claiming that the ticket was not available nor was the officer who was responsible for writing the ticket but it gave me a preaddressed envelope for me to mail the fee alleging of a violation which could not be verified.

You think perhaps it's time for Hollywood to be run like a true American city rather than a Hollywood set? 

No time today to elaborate but those of you with a brain know of what I'm speaking.

Have a good week-end.
(c) Gwendolyn L Mitchell 5/9/2014 11:23AM

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