Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blog #2 for Saturday, May 17th...And this is Serious...

I believe in addition to the internet as it exists now, it is hazardous to seniors for the lack of availability of practical computer language...Again I believe that Linux is the appropriate language because it's what we use every day...

The other thing is HD (High Definiton) TV, I remember my first response when seeing what it did, make up wise to actresses, it exposed the bad make up and every flaw possible, do I feel it's deliberate, You betchum Red Rider, here's the intention, to drive you to the scapel as quickly as possible...Creating more jobs for the so called doctors who are experts in face lifting...
I'm totally for facials, anything not involving a scapel, and I'm curious to try this organic microabrasions, and I've seen some mature actors who have done something other than the scapel to erase their wrinkles, I wonder what it is, because I'd be curious about this.

I can recall when an actress friend of mine was doing a show, this was right on the emergence of HD, and there was a real close close up, the closest CU I'd seen on TV that I could remember for any actress, black or white, this actress was black, and mature, and the camera caught every deep wrinkle that it had intended.  Now I wonder why they did that and the acress was never seen again on TV...Maybe that was during the invasion of the ghouls...

Since I think you'd agree blacks do age differently than whites,same with Asians, the amount of melanin, and were they trying to level the playing field by overly exposing a black actress, and never doing the same for whites, who I believe are overly protected ad nauseum in this industry of entertainment.  Entertainment for whom?  May I ask?.

The botton line it appears is that it's always about the money, when in reality it should be about what is on the screen, back room deals, between a limited selected few is not going to fly with the global plan...hopefully.

I do believe that there are many more good people than bad, which is why we are going to win, we've got the numbers on our side, and enough skeletons in the "enemies" closet to be able to pull this off with the help of the Creator of course.  No disrespect to non believers.

Anyway, that's it for today...Have a good week-end.  Stay true to you.

(c)Copyright by gwendolyn mitchell 5/17/14 3:46PM

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