Monday, April 7, 2014

I will be starring......

in the movie of my novel,  In Pursuit of Destiny" (working title) and I appreciate all the help I'm getting both in heaven and on earth...

And I intend to sit on the board in making the deecison along with other slected board members regarding the other roles in the film, obviously the character, the leading protagonist is seen at different ages, so there will be additional actresses featured in the role, this is subject to change.

The Children's Lab will also  be addressed later, this blog today is giving interested parties a head up, and I am still in rewrites on the novel.

I made a promise to my long time friend Albert Novian, who will be the Executive Producer in the horror fantasy, The Beauty Stealers, with sequals.

Back to In Pursuit of Destiny, I intend to remain true to the ethnicity as they appear in the novel, however, it is subject to change and availability.

Since part of the third act of the film happens in New York it should be David Letterman because that's where "Violet's interview takes place in New York, however, I believe there could be TV spots showing such luminaries as Jay Leno, and Oprah, all this is up in the air and again subject to avilability or pre shown shows of the individuals could be seen as well.

I will also be writing the screenplay possibly and like with the use of another screenwriter of my choosing, once I've sat with the writer and we have a discussion of their POV on this specific material

Thanks for listening, more to come later.
(c) Copyright by Gwendolyn Mitchell 4/7/2014

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