Saturday, January 25, 2014

I heard it through the grape vine that we must give Oprah credit for eleminating those horrible dirt distributors (portable dirt blowers) that the so called street cleaners use which only spread the unwanted debris into the already somewhat contaminated air, so Thank You Oprah...Also, I see President Obama awarded Oprah for making individuals better, that's very noble, and also nicely reciprocated since Oprah did stick her neck out so to speak when she endorsed President Obama...Yes, I do believe in reciprocity up to a point...

Getting back on course on artists, free thinkers, business owners, particularly small and mid size, college students and senior citizens, military, etc who appear to being led to "slaughter" with the exorbitant taxes in order to support elected officials high level life style...Most if not all politicans are multi millionaires, and guess whose money they took to get there?...You know it, we don't have to say it right...We're smarter than what they give us credit for...Also creating a way for attorneys to survive now that no fault divorce is in affect, so now attorneys are keen on creating a scenario for bankruptcy, and the banks(Currently I have a 6.125% interest on my rental with Wells Fargo, and the property is upside down which means if I attempt to sell, I would not get what it's worth...Of course the banks don't lose, EVER, however with my global plan, remember by using ALL THE BANKS and CREDIT UNIONS, this will create healthy competition and force the banks, ETC. to change their evil ways, which may take a little more doing, I think that Chase is a bank that shows that they care about their customers, no waiting if you lose your debit card, you get it replaced immediately.  Bank of America receives my pension, which gets smaller it seems each year. Last month, even with my pension automatically going in to my checking account I was in a negative, and received nothing, and the balance due is now being carried over to this month, which will also give me an additional negative balance since they charge $35 per over draft, WITH NO CONSIDERATION FOR PEOPLE ON FIXED INCOME.  They act as if we chose not to have an income, when in my case I was WRONGFULLY TERMINATED EVIDENCED BY A SMALL SETTLEMENT, WHERE THE ATTORNEY MADE MORE THAN I DID, THOUGH I WAS THE VICTIM, (LACK OF A BETTER TERM) AND I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE GOING THROUGH THIS.  Again I have been actively employed for approximately 55 years, and not on salary, but commissioned sales, and acting career, which as an actor you start working before you even sign the contract, after you're hired...That needs to stop.  Once the actor and actress is hired, they need to receive a contract the first day on the set...If whoever hired the talent isn't confident that the performer can deliver the goods then they shouldn't be hired, and there is no reasonable purpose in not having the performer being given the contract the first day of work. Since I'm not a civilians, a nine to fiver, I don't receive a pay check every week, and currently, but not for much longer, I am on a fixed income, which means if I was capable of budgeting with what little I have coming in, it would be a practical solution, but unfortunately for various reasons including paying too much for a four year old car, and putting down a 20% down payment and a maintence fee which I paid up front, if I am to believe what I'm told, the car is worth 7 thousand dollars lin the blue book and I owe 13K, which means if nothing else occurs, the Honda dealership in Hollywood has already made over 4 thousand dollars from the cash down payment as well as the prepaid maintenace, which I cancelled which will be returned to Chase which is the lender, which is why I will lease as oppose to buying, and I am recommending that for my global plan as well, the more we spend, the cheaper things will become, which is something the banks do not want, but with the CITIZENS OF THE WORLD UNITING, the politicians will not have a choice, and I believe that the politicians should CONTRIBUTE BIG TIME, to our global plan and again, do not dismay on the necessity for the yet to be determined percentage due to Artists with Friends, an affiliate of GLM Productions, whether you are on my team or not or starting your own, I assure you it will be fairer in my opinion that what JP Morgan charges all banks and that charge is passed on to you.
 I thought they couldn't touch people's pensions, but remember during the last election everyone I spoke to was complaining about their pensions being lowered, supposedly for health care, which I have through my Union, SAG, before the merger, I guess they were already anticipating that the merger would be going through with AFTRA and they'd need the extra money to pay for the enormous staff's salaries, I think they get about 80 grand a year, so you and I perhaps, if what I'm writing is true, must sacrifice financially to allow a better life style for someone else and insurance companies etc, are helping in this scenario, along with the politicians who are now in my opinion. being well represented at SAG AFTRA, and who is it that's representing the Actors? 
With my global plan a gift to me from the Creato,r to make a better world for all living things in it...We need to devise a way to feed pidgeons, squirrels, birds, etc. at the same time as when we grow grass, obviously it has to be safe for consumption, since I noticed that pidgeons and one lone squirrel today was on the railing of my building looking for nuts(the non human kind), and he seemed to be asking me to feed him...I failed to be able to help at that moment but I know there is something out there that can possibly be mixed with grass grower that can also enrich the soil and feed the creatures that seek food from the earth...As we all do...
Have a good fun week-end and BE SAFE!
(c) Copyright by gwendolyn mitchell, Jan. 25, 2014,

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