Sunday, August 17, 2014

My Mother was an Excellent Mother when I was a child...

She was a domestic, she would get up early and fix my brother and me breakfast. She would wash and iron the dresses that were given to her by the people she worked for, so I could have nice dresses, dresses that we certainly couldn't afford. She baked, and gave all the love that she could to my brother and me...Remember, "Women do get weary"...Before you critize anyone, take a minute and think why that person is the way they are at this time in their lives...what are all the things that they have been through to cause that change over the years... So I would appreciate it when you speak to each other on your cell phones, saying, "She knows everything" speaking of me, that is not true." Enslaved people are usually paranoid because that's the state that the GGPs' want you in. However, I know that there are good people out there, but understand how women, men, and children have been treated, and taken advantage of for the sake of a few who weild their power, LET'S WORK TOWARDS MAKING THE GLOBAL PLAN A REALITY. I was very specific yesterday as to what I want and who I want to work with, and remember, METAPHORS MAKE INTERESTING VISUALS, BUT DON'T LIVE YOUR LIFE BY THEM...IT'S A HOAX. I'M LOOKING FOR A TALENTED AGENT AND AGAIN I WANT TO AND MUST GET MY STAND UP, TO PAR, AND OF COURSE, MANY OTHER THINGS, I HAVE A FEELING THERE'S MUCH THAT I'M MISSING, AND I DON'T KNOW WHY I HAVEN'T BEEN TOLD ANYTHING...I BELIEVE WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT I'LL KNOW WHEN I NEED TO KNOW. GENUINE THANKS TO THOSE HELPING ME...have a beautiful Sunday...nice weather we're having and thanks for listening. (c)Copyrighted by Gwendolyn Mitchell on Sunday, August 17, 2014 at 12:04PN PST in LOS ANGELES CA)

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