Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Why I Choose the Mafia over the US Government"...

Was a title I used when writing an unfinished expose some years back...It was meant to be tongue in cheek of course, because quite naturally to have "Goons" amd Ghouls interfere with our Global Plan will cost us all...

But I tell you, I've been reading (as opposed to running my trap all the time)  the "Inside Story of the Shuberts" titled," Mr. Broadway" a memoir by Gerald Schoenfeld which threw me for a loop in regards to what this Theatre Family went particular the anti-trust suit brught against them, because they actually were innovative, creative, worked to create a theatre empire, and then the Feds come in and theoretically stated, "Hey, you control too much, you're making too much money and you don't have any competition...So what we're gonna do is tie your hands behind your back, cut both your legs off at your knee caps, and you're going to turn over all your paper work, which shows how you run your business...and put in out there for all the lazy asses who aren't as innovative and courageous as you are, and you're gonna just suck it up and like it!"

The fact is, there is always a higher power that makes sure in spite of ourselves that everything does turn out all right at the end...

The result of that anti trust lawsuit, which was handled by a young novice lawyer who had NEVER EVER HANDLED ANY CASE BEFORE, and(I'm taking this directly from "Mr. Broadway", the memoir...

"At the end of the trial, which wasn't long, the judge said to me, "You can now make your motion."  (The young naive attorney said) I hadn't the faintest iea what he meant.  He said, "Do you move to dismiss for fairlue to prove prima facie case?"

I said, "I do".
The judge said, "Motion granted!"

The moral of the story I believe, is that NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU...Just what the young attorney needed to win the case was handed to him on a platinum platter...

Not bad for not knowing what to do, hey?

Have a wonderful and safe 4the of July, with family and friends, and even enemies, as long as they bring some goodies to the barbeque, because remember you can always turn an enemy in to a friend if you treat them right.

Thanks for lisening!

gwendolyn mitchell

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