Friday, July 18, 2014

Boy, Have I been Bamboozled...

And so have you...Stick with me here...This started way back in New York, I remember my dentist informing me that he didn't want me to wear the cap that I had been sporting to his office ever again...I found that pretty nervy since he was neither my father, or husband...This same dentist I accompanied when he had me to view his gathering stacks of papers while the woman whose apartment we were at, looked on...I didn't understand it at all...But it is becoming clearer as time goes by (great ballad by the way, "As Time Goes By)...When you see a prior blog referring to the Defendant Orion Pictures et all. right around 911 was supposed to have happened, which gave the "government" and all its tentacles which are far reaching the ability to spy on us thoroughly, ...Also after I won my case from the BH Court when I was bamboozled out of 11thousand dollars, with no merchandise to show for it, and I still did not get what the court decreed in my favor by the way, this was when the BH's courts were being closed, so I had to go over to the court on Regents Street for the trial, and there was Morgan Freeman in white face, as the judge...and the person representing the defendant Lana Marks, said on her behalf something that seemed strange at the time, mentioning Farrah Fawcett's name, this run of a man sent out a really bad vibe and as I walked to the elevator to depart, this man who I allege was a ghoul, all dressed in black followed me, and slipped, he did not get on the elevator with me, but I believe this what ever it was was an evil force...Part of the attack on good and moral people...

When I was taken to DelAmo Hospital where I was incarcerated, this arranged by the way thru Cedars, I remember the attendant that had transported me, saying to someone, "She's a good one...she's the only one"....something or other I didn't hear the rest of it, I was exhausted, it appeared that I had been on a very hazardous trip...

To get out of DelAmo I went to a court of sorts and told the truth and was released but not before I was given a prescription for two drugs, and I also had to promise to see a psychiatrist, which I opted for a social worker, either way, this was the MO (modus Operendi) that the ghouls and the goons used against me to set me up on a drug induced diet, which I declined of course...

This is something that is beyond nefarious...Oh by the way, yesterday when I was in a store I saw my ex neighbor from Park LaBrea, I forgot her name but we were on the same floor, she was supposed to be a writer too, and I remember she had returned from London and had brought me two bars of so called specialty soap, I met her father, she had made a point of introducing me to him, and he seemed OK, except for the fact that in my opinion is vocabulary was pretentious using large words, which I guess I was just too dumb to understand...I like simplicity...I like things that can be easily understood when presented...Which is one of the reasons I could never get in to finishing reading the Bible...

Why am I saying all this, because I want the ghouls and the goons to understand truly that there is a God, a Higher Intelligence, and Mother Nature truly does rule...I say all this to bring it down front, the title of an expose that I had written about what minority actors had to go through...Anyway, in terms of my productions, I would appreciate that the films not be labeled as Black exploitation, and they will not be, and also there will be no priority preferences due to ones ethnicity for the most part...

I am very well aware when I was beaten by the LAPD Rampart Division while living at Park labrea with  my friend, a Persian Jew that there had been a collection made on my behalf, money which I never received...I believe perhaps the same thing is happening with my Global Plan which I am asking nicely for those guilty to cease and matter your hue...

This horrible system, corrupt marketing is what I call it, and I had texted to I believe President Obama...and I am still intent on being videoed speaking the words, because there are still too many individuals, organizations representing themselves as something other than who they actually are...This is causing great disturbances around the world...And this will cease...Taking from me, for 58 plus years and not paying me the amount I should be receiving in my Acting Pension under SAG/AFTRA, as well as the correct amount on my Social Security, neither of which has any bearing on my 1% gross from those participating in my global plan...A plan that obviously has merit, otherwise I would not have been beaten and continually fired after extrapolating all of my knowledge...All of the ex employers who did not pay me my hourly wage, nor my profit sharing, Merit Financial, you owe me big time, and those of you who say, that I'm not nice, thank you for the compliment, I am naughty but very nice.  If you had the capacity of walking in my moccasins maybe you would realize that...And when Albert Novian said that I was "cheap", keep in mind Albert you were being supported by your family living in their home at 1018 N Crescent Dr. BH 90212, Stanley Kramer's home, supposedly, and every Friday when you would go over to Fred Segals to buy new clothes, again paid for by your parents, when I was and had always had to support myself, as well as take care of my mother, my brother when ever he asked for money, my grand daughters, and great grand children, you had no one but yourself to worry about and you had mommy and daddy supporting you...

I remember when we had dinner at Spagos in Beverly Hills and this attractive Asian woman looked at you directly and said, "Don't I know you?"  Interesting I thought at the time, but I realize that you were spending much time in various hospitals all over the city, since you were supposedly schizoid, that report probably came from Cedars, as mine had.

Though when I was being beaten by the Police I was taken to Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital half out of my mind, and this was after I had been put on a stone slab at Sybil Brand, and then put in a tiny cell, that I couldn't stand...

I also remember a woman in BH who could have been a relative of yours came up to me and said,
"Make us proud"...I'm wondering since I was the female lead in such an iconic film, SHAFT, and recognized around the world, did the people of Iran want a leading man, and had that chosen was I your meal ticket so to speak in making that come true, I see your likeness on the building on LaBrea, along with the lead singer of the Doors, Mick Jagger, and then there is Albert's likeness far on the right...

Then there's another strange visual, of a blond with a Kitten, "Kitten" was the name that my ex husband CB called me, and even stranger, when I took my boxing lessons from "Tiger" over on Melrose, and supposedly his wife came in, not introducing herself as his wife, I learned that after the fact, and she was very adamant in attempting to have her "husband" escort me to a ceremony for the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences building of their new MP Museum which my accountant John Wurtz(s) escorted me, again, in my opinion all a part of the Bamboozlement to deny me my position as a leading actress since I never denied my ethnicity, not ever, which I also believe was the reason for all my firings, the ghouls and the goons decided well we can keep taking money from her if she stays on the phone as a registered rep, but then when I became the age that I am, which is now 72, just had a birthday on July 6th...

And since people kept referring to me as, "A Good One"...I wondered what they meant by all that, even as they attempt to steal my properties in CAL CITY, my three bedroom home which the tenant once again, I'm having problems with which has been the history since I bought in 2003, and my lot of course is entirely paid for, and of course they attempted to swindle me out of my condo which I bought in '92...So as Dezi said to Lucy so often, "You got lots of splain'n to do"

You see I was told that Michelle had hired her husband and gave him one of his first gigs, she was his boss, I don't know if that's true or not, but the fact is that women such as myself who have earned their way, not on their backs, but by legitimate application are often hated and despised by some women and some men, as well as the ghouls and the goons...

WELL IT'S A NEW DAY, and my ex employer over on Allah Street, who had hired David as the manager, a guy who's a member of Gold's gym on Cole...A gym where years ago I was approached to be a life long member, I just had to pay about 2300 more, I had been a member at that time for about 13 that time, and then there was this body transformation contest which they used my celebrity status never paying me, though I was told I had won, not by Karen...

The other interesting thing is that my son, visited the Brokerage Firm I was working at at the time as a REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE, which was managed by Nick Flemming, any relation to Rhonda, his great grandmother perhaps, I don't know, I mean who does, right...

Any way, now some guy who had a TV show and a book and I last saw at Gold's has a radio show in the same building...And I recall him really putting down his first wife, and he and his son sticking together against the wife...Oops my back is itching, gotta scratch...Anyway REMEMBER, THIS BLOG IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND EXPANDING YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS...This should not be men against women, or black, brown, white, etc, etc, etc, against, young or old, etc...It should be about the GOOD SUCCEEDING IN ALL CATEGORIES OVER THE BAD.

Have a good week-end, and thanks so much for listening.

(c) Copyright 7/18/14 @ 2:32PM

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