Sunday, March 8, 2015

Still Waiting...

On this perfectly wonderful Sunday, March 8th, 2015 at 1:54PM, showing evidence of the Holocost actually occurring. I keep getting invitations from ADL Anti Deformation Leage, which in my opinion is completely bogus, most Jews have never heard of it, and when I was responsible for raising millions for them a couple of years ago for their dinner in Century City, with exorbitant parking fees, their inflated t shirts by j perce, for the purposes of introducing my global plan, and the evening was controlled by Katzenberg, Myer, and Brooks, with a surprise guest Michael Douglas Sr. making a guest appearance showing their propaganda film how Jews are mistreated, when I allege that they mistreat the entire world, along with the other religious mobsters who lay their guilt on the innocent to fatten their over sized wallets... Attacking those they feel threatened by, which is just about everybody...and that includes every other color of the rainbow that has relied on thievery to wrongfully exault their standards, so lets make it clear that it is not only the Jew but the difference is that like most religion it gets its misguided power by spreading undeserved guilt to the masses, like most in the name of religion. This being halted due to the acceptance of my global plan... Thank you for listening and remember that Unique Perspective is for entertainment and enlightenment purposes only. (c)Copyrighted by Gwendolyn L Mitchell on March 8, 2015 at 2:07PM la,ca 90046, usa

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