For the citizens of the world is a good plan, it is not without flaws, but I see today, there are clouds and the winds are blowing heartily...Of course power is not easy to relinquish, particularly when it will create global fairness...
I have a dear friend who once said , do you know who the most hated people in the world are?...I told this person I didn't know..."The British!" ...Oh no, how can this be?...The country that gave us the Fab 4 that spread Love...How can that be true I wondered AND i wondered if it was true...Of course not the citizens but the way the government is there...The Brits are good folks, just lik we Americans and of course all the citizens of the world...
Why are we allowing this when we outnumber them, I'm just asking...Questions are still allowed are they not?...
Then I thought about why so many of the British Talent came here to America, musicians and actors and actresses, Dame Elizabeth Taylor for one, it was the last bastion for freedom and liberty...And now it appers it is under seize...However, remember, things are not as they appear...There is a HIGHER POWER THAN MAN...sorry i have to repeat it...
And then I remembered, the Boston Tea Party and what the brawl was all about...HIGHER TAXES WITH NO REPRESENTATION...I understand the Queen just gave herself a raise...God Bless her...
Stay strong, keep the faith and do not forget we have friends in the highest of places...
Thank you!
Gwendolyn Mitchell
P.S. As an artist in my youth, in my 20's, yes I smoked weed, marijuanna, and it expanded my mind...But at some point in my life I realized that I didn't need dope to be creative, the Creator , may be using me as a vessel...For Good...i hope and pray...
P.S.S. Oh yes and about my hair, I have three different textures nappy, curly, and straight, and i apologize if that offends any body...But since the creator made me, I feel I'm blessed. Thanks again. Go and spread Love and Make your mates...Toodle Lou...
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