Thursday, January 22, 2015


As I used my functional electric tooth brush, not the one with all the bells and whistles I noticed the name PHILIPS nicely placed at the bottom of the apparatus, remembering that my dear daparted mother had worked for Mr. and Mrs Philips in upper Manhattan, and also the Lewis's in Riverdale,NY, I believe he may have been a TV Producer by the way, maybe not, but my mom had worked for the producer of the Howdy Doody Show, and I remember how the host had said a happy birthday to me ON tv when we were living on Ravine in Yonkers...and the Ellis's from Norfolk, Virginia, was the family that my mother had to exert her authority and beliefs in explaining to Mrs Ellis that I was just as good as her little daughter "Pat" when the neighbors in the all white area near Glenwood complained about me playing with the Ellis' daughter who was my age, because I was too dark for them to be friends, my mom straightened Mrs Ellis out and told me to stay away from there, the implication of her statement being, that I didn't need to befriend someone unworthy... And isn't the Annapolis Naval Academy in Virginia, my second innocent boyfriend relationship after Roger Dunn was with Lance (another one, not the one from prison) a naval academy cadet, I remember it wasn't "Splendor in the Grass" but we did make out on the wet lawn at Trevor Park late one evening, which ended with my virginity still being in tact...And that was very short and sweet, Lance was fair skinned with light eyes, and looked exceptinally handsome in his Annapolis Naval Academy Uniform... This was in the Glenwood Area not far from the Glenwood Train Station where the NY Grand Central Train had departed from Grand Central, heading up towards Ossining,and beyond to visit my maternal (via adoption) Grandparents... And where I used to see the actor Edward G Robinson riding the train carrying his supposed art creations... When last in Yonkers, driven up by taxi the driver looking like the lead actor in the sopranos, it looked as though the Glenwood Station was closed, another reason why to go back to Yonkers and revive it, as mentioned repeatedly in my global plan. Thanks for listening, got a real busy day, check in on the blog anytime, because I may have some more good news for you, stay tuned, and do not touch that last mention... THANK YOU GOOGLE for giving me the space I need to be heard...Another example of a company started by young innovators, which may be the reason for some of the negative publicity that's been heaped upon them, perhaps. (c)copyrighted by gwendolyn mitchell on January 22, 2015 @7:47am LA,CA 90046

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