There has been an evil brew of horror boiling over in Hollywood and New York and God only knows where else that deceives the general public in making it appear that much commerce (trade) is going on than it actually is. And who pays of course are innocent consumers unaware of the entranched system.
This situation was brought to my attention right after I had developed a plan in writing which I sent to the NY Times and LA Weekly back in December of 2012. In fact I sent the Love and Peace Plan via email to the NY Times' Editor at the time.
I became aware that the plan had been distributed without my permission around the world when there appeared to be an heightened interest in my blog, "Unique Perspective" (NOTE- Sorry I have not contributed to UP since I'd been traveling, South Africa, Paris, New York, more on this later)
What I also became aware was that due to my revealing my age in the article and the fact that I had apeared in the first Shaft film there was a heighted amount of phone calls, emails involving, INTERNET HARRASSMENT,etc
There is a vicious RETAILIATION against me for suing Merit Financial, in a suit that should have gone to trial, and MANY MORE GUILTY COMPANIES and parties are involved...
I also became aware that due to my having earned the right to a reverse mortgage after toiling for over 57 years and because I made sure to keep my mind and body healthy without the aid of any financial support from an ex husband I had turned down alimony, that I was being harrassed it appeared by the public in general, mainly because of ENVY, by many because I am an artist and there is a resentment among civilians against artists so the powers at be attempt to eliminate artists all together, which is why the films and TV have been taken over by GHOULS.
There was no place that I could go without being directed to buy, buy, buy, I could also hear thoughts, of people and converstions (no there is no hallucination going on again this is a vicious plot perpetrated by the ghouls, again people incapable of love) And because I had reached the age that I am, which is 71, and a great grandmother, and I was not supposed to speak out as I had, sending a myriad of letter to the current President, stating my feelings about how the country is being run, something which citizens of this country at one time were able to do without reprisal that is no longer the case, in other words, our liberties and rights are just about gone all together, at least here in the USA or should I say,"the USSR?"
What all this is leading to is this, so be forwarned young people, since I shun plastic surgery, which is something thiat is pushed here in Hollywood and New York, in other words, don't grow old gracefully, why how dare you, and of course the Plastic Surgeons like hungry wolves wait for business to be directed to them, and they pay individuals handsomely for the referrals.
I can get more specific, but I won't at this time, though I'll share it at the appropriate time and with the appropriate parties, but you need to come to me.
All you need to do is look at the plastic surgery that's been done on Raquel Wlesh, once a raving beauty who now looks quite ordinary with her cheer leader smile and many others such as Sylvester Stalone, come to mind, these individuals were victims of the Hollywood Horrow Show that has been doing on forever, however, as of yesterday that vicious plot comes to an end and is revealed, since I refuse to go along with this hedeous plot and quite honestly my looks are quite OK for me.
When I was at the Plaza in New York I heard a woman say, "Oh my god she looks so old". I smiled fully content that I had reached the glorious age that I am with the lines and wrinkles that I have earned through the years, because I am in touch with our Creator, and in turn, he with me, I hope and I am capable of LOVE.
As I stated in my "Love and Peace" Speech which I read aloud in South Africa in my hotel room at the Genessis Hotel in Jobeg (Johannesburg) and yes, I believe that South Africa, in my opinion, is not as racist as America I am ashamed and chagrined to say. I was MIA in America on July 4th of this year, and I think the people in America are Great, unfortunately the so called leaders, may not be.
Should we demand representation for what we've paid in taxes, or just lay down and die? I wish I could do it all, but like you, I'm finding my way too, please, be kind. Thanks!
Again this is a vicious plot by politicians, hack medical doctors and the system at large, and again, I AM LOOKING FOR REPUTABLE ATTORNEYS, and REPUTABLE MEDIA SOURCES, to get involved with this, but as a stranger said to me in passing at the Plaza Hotel, that's like trying to find a "jumbo shrimp"...
God I hope that's not true!
Copyrighted by Gwendolyn L Mitchell, July 27, 2013.
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