Since November when I devised the plan, I have traveled a little bit as you know, and I see that my plan is in the works, when I say "My" plan I'm speaking of the Creator using me as a conduit to present the message...I plan on traveling more...
I'm looking for investors again for my projects...Since there has been a concerted effort on the part of the Bad Guys to thwart my every effort of progress both in my personal and business life...And to bring me down to their level, it's amazing to me that I am able to function at all...
Again, this very deliberate plan here in the United States to eleminate the power of senior citizens, women, men, etc....Let's face it the politicians are not doing anything for us, and that's all parties. again, the reason for the 90/10 rule makes sense...
I have not been able to blog due to a total infringement of my privacy by various and sundry forces..taking over my computer, attempting to get me to leave California, I have given so much, or at least it appears that my insides have been literally ripped out, by all previous employers, who have taken and taken and taken from me, who now because I am of the age I am, are out to destroy me but I will not go down without a fight...The price that I am asking due to my Civil Liberties being destroyed is now up to 300 Million, which is a fair price for 13 years of slave labor right here in the good ole' US of A...
The guilty parties are too numerous to name, but amongst them are bad unions, telecommunications firms and providers taking over your private information and turning it in to cash by the so called person on the street who directs you to buy, so be it, not so subtle, bad insurance companies, bad politicians, etc. etc, etc,
Oh yes, "She's ranting again", believe me I've got lots to rant about, how would you like to be beaten by the Police who break in to your apartment and beat you to the point that you land in Hollywood Presbeterian Hospital can't walk, and you get a fine by the court, and you're homeless, all a RACIST and DELIBERATE TACTIC to destroy an African American Actress who had the potential for ultimate Stardom...Now those hateful powers at be are trying to shoot a movie WITH MONEY THEY OWE ME, and give me an Oscar?
WOW!!Just write the check now, or, the 300 million goes up, and many, many people will go down, and I don't mean that in a loving way...
Rather than waiting for me to save you, how about you getting up off your arses and doing something for yourselves (hate to sound like a cranky person, because at one time not too too long ago, I had lots of love in my heart, but that slowly is disappating I'm afraid due to the callousness, and the hatefullness that is being heaped upon me coming from all directions...BY THE VERY PEOPLE THAT I HAVE HELPED, WITHOUT GETTING PAID FOR IT, AND WITHOUT MY PERSONAL CONSENT...All to save the diseased Hollywood Machine that has been in place for far too long that destroyed such beauties as Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Dandridge, ETC...ETC...ETC...Oh the list goes on and on...
When Hattie McDaniels, (HM)got her well deserved Oscar for Gone With the Wind, she had to travel up to the stage starting from the back of the dining room of the once Ambassador Hotel,( where now there is a contimainated school which some corrupt contractor, in my opinion, got paid lots of money to not check out the land before building, the space is contaminated because of all the ill will perpetrated atop the land, such as Bobby Kennedy being shot) to collect her Oscar for Best Supporting Actress and one of the DeHaviland (sorry if I misspelled the name) Sister's commented, and I'm paraphrasing here, didn't mean much, since HM didn't have any sex appeal.
There was a bright side, I was treated to a 30 minute facial using a product line Rodial...which if I could afford to get one every week I would, and it would be an answer to not having to even think about plastic surgery (ugh), my personal opinion...
Again, please write the check for 300 million, and you know because of what you did to me, and my mother, that is a bargain...I will have retribution, it is willed by the Creator. Gwendolyn Mitchell Aug.9th,approx 5:50AM Copyrighted by (c) Gwendolyn L Mitchell
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