Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rumblings and Grumblings...

Which I hear daily, and more recently today, in the complex where I have my office, please remember, it's easy to be a critic, more difficult however to take action and move the world in to a position for eternal world peace and a better life for those that have never experienced such a thing. I stated you can check me, however, if I may say, don't forget to self-check yourselves as well. If you scrutinize me to the degree that you have, expect for me to do the same to you and your family. I speak truth and see truth, and many don't like it. Writing a review for a movie does not mean anything more that, no more, no less, don't read in to it more than what it is. Fiction and Non Fiction are not the same, as I had stated before and I write to please myself first. Secondly, as stated prior, I am not giving up control of the productions that I have created, but I will not be bogarted by any ethnic group to cast a certain way, particularly for those that do nothing more than complain. Remember, this is not a philanthropy, this is a business for profit and will be run as such. Those that happen to be living in this complex, and taking from me my information, and content, etc. and giving nothing in return and trying to make my life miserable, STOP, and indicating I should scratch your back, what exactly are you offering, and or contributing to further my productions, so far, I have had items of value stolen from my business on a continual basis, keys taken. I would appreciate it greatly if you'd stop. I don't deserve that type of treatment and you are not the low life that you think you are. Thank you. Excuse me now, I have important things to attend to in order to move me closer to my goals, and one of them is cleaning, since it is next to godliness. Remember, when you attempt to harm me, and my loved ones, you only harm yourself. Have a good week-end and beyond. GM

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