Monday, September 16, 2013

You;re not the only two actors being held Hostage...

McDermott and Colette...Me too...Checked out the so called "A" current Hollywood Reporter, Still doing the evil deeds, hopefully, President OBama will continue to benefit from all my input on health, start ups, etc...Forgive me, but when I was incarcerated at DelAmo via Cedars I lost quite a bit of weight, and had to fight my way back to reality, which I am in the process of doing... I have received no formal or informal Thank You, for being incarcerated on behalf of the Same Old Hollywood Regime supported by my ex employers, and not on my behalf...It's the "Progressives of Show Biz"... And the Politicans and Attorneys, and so called A List etc are taking credit for my sacrifice...But that's Hollywood for you, and it's not new, and the British which changed everything...and the Established "Blue Blood" whose blood actually is red like the rest of us...Are still doing their dirt, at our expense...You need to Pay Me...And some folks are blaming O...I'm just saying...I really don't know...I'm just here to give you my continuing "Unique Perspective"... "You Are Welcome" What I sent to Obama besides the Offering Memorandum was the above and below the line budget of a film which I wrote which contained letters of committment, including director, actors,musicial scoring, etc,which the concept can be translated in to my 90/10 Plan. Because we want more new Blood in the Inudstry streaming through the veins of the industry,,,And unfortunately if the Entertainment Status Quo continues to shove the same old same old tired (meaning over represented, not having to do with chronological age)folks down our throats being those in charge, then I guess we'll have to see how we can go around the non working regime... Katherine Heigel, the Mazzerati that your boyfriend parked in the garage caused such havoc, and you do look better as a blond, but how much on average did your last couple of movies gross, since the industry was quick in pointing out Eddie Murphy's average ticket gross...? I say what's good for the goose is good for the gander... I certainly hope that your vendetta is not due to the fact that I'm a senior citizen, and oh yes I did travel to NY and I did notice tha names on the door bells and my ex attorney David Shaub was listed, imagine that? Though he doesn't want to admit that he's part of the organization and plan that I created via The Creator...This time David, it'll be more than just $1 which is what Paramount paid me for Black Cinderella in Harlem...Called "Cinda" I make no bones about it, I will only do business with people I respect and who I feel are ethical...My enemies I will hold closer than my advocates... Citizens of the World We Can Do This Together...And I do not propose to know it all...{'m feeling my way through, But come to me with kindness and sincerity... Patience is a virture... President Obama (and I do apologize for spelling your name incorrectly)I would like to be financially compensated so that I may have the life styly deserving of someone that has had a positive impact on the world, I modestly request. Modestly, because what head way has been made, is not due to my entirely acting alone...Since we do have friends in very high places. Thank you to all those who are helping, and if the A list really mattered anymore, we'd be concerned, but we're not, we, friends of Artists are pushing forward with our plan, and all we need is the capital, which is coming ... According to the Hollywood Reporter over 75% of tickets sold in Entertainment are purchased by those 50 and above...Which tells me that their should be greater representation for this age group on the screen. Some of the teams have already activated their plans, just understand, as stated before, GLM Productions will expect a fair amount of compensation, a percentage for promolgating the plan, as well as my raising over one million dollars for the ADL, (Anti Defamation League)...with their Dinner in Century City months ago... And guys, just because I'm a gurl, give me my props if you feel I'm due, which I am, 'cause you know if I were a dude, (which I'm not though there has been rumors contrary to that fact)you'd be bowing at my feet and telling me how awesome I am... Why shouldn't my ego be as large as my (you fill in the blank) not a pea brain...We need all the help we can get and I know the ball has already been pitched, and the game, meaning the plan, is in place. (C)Copryght by Gwendolyn Mitchell on September 16, 2013 at 10:44.

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