Friday, May 31, 2013

Back tp Artists With Friends...Plus, Cycle At Your Own Risk.

My blog had been out of whack up until two days ago...The Back to Artists With Friends  to make it possible to be able to support ourselves by what we earn and to eliminate tax overload...(I know some believe taxes are good and even believe in the carbon tax...I don't believe in a carbon tax and it sounds like in my opinion, that the EPA will have way too much power, and how will they determine such a thing? I don't mind paying taxes as long as the money is being directed where it should be)...I had the experience of riding LA's city streets on my newly purchased bike which I bought from a shop in Inglewood, Penuel Bicycles.  I could not believe from Hollywood to Beverly Hills to Santa Monica, taking several different routes, how hazardous the city streets are for cyclists.  Pot holes, as large as a Smart car...I fell off my bike at least three times, uninjured thank goodness...BUT WE NEED BIKE cut down on injuries and deaths...

And what I need, is visible support rather than verbal attacks and snide remarks, I'm not pursuing the Artists with Friends, for notoriety, I already had that in the past, and believe me it's not all what it's cracked up to be...

I have several projects which can employ actors and actresses, directors, writers and producers, with their projects and should any one be so obliged to contact me at the email address I've had forever, and the newest email ...I need legal, and accounting support some of which I have, but not enough.. And Please, the emails coming from the crazies out there that I'm receiving that want to give me millions of dollars since they can't spend their inheritance...Stop!

This is a global project...Started with a seed of an idea that needs to sprout and I have been selected as the vehicle with which that can happen...I need funding...ASAP...The 90/10 plan again, perhaps can have real value for the citizens of the world. and their families...

My financial plight, like many, who have reached a certain age with much experience, and have shown companies how to raise their revenue, and then have the CEO's of these companies turn around and "sack" us, and then our society makes it so that it's impossible to find work...An insidious plan that needs to be identified and then changed immediately.  I am fully away of the attempt to try amd discredit me, feeling that I don't deserve what I have earned from my past 50 plus work endeavor.  Shame on you!  And also, the people that continue to hurl their snide remarks which I hear in passing, why don't you get off your fat arses and do something for yourselves and your family. How many college students now in tremendous debt are moving back in with their parents because they can't get jobs and are waiting and hoping for their parents to die so they can get the house.  This is what happens in a society stifiled by government and lacks a moral value system.  Welcome to Hell!

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